Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Under pressure? Clench your fist! Which fist fights back best...

If you’ve just GOT to make that putt - clench your fist first...
Even the most talented athletes and musicians can choke under pressure. There’s a scientific reason for that. The thinking side of your brain tripped up the doing side. New research has found that clenching your fist in a pressure situation can actually help prevent that from happening. Just be sure to clench your LEFT fist - if you’re right-handed.

In three experiments, right-handed soccer players, judo experts and badminton players were asked to perform in high-pressure simulation. One group clenched their right fist for 30-seconds before play, while the other group clenched the left. The left fist clenchers choked less under pressure than the right, all three times.

Clenching the non-dominant fist sends a message to the opposite side of your brain to stop thinking and start doing - especially when it involves the upper extremities.

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