Monday, January 7, 2013

How short was Napoleon? Not short at all. Historical lies...

Everyone knows that Napoleon was short, right?

Well it turns out he wasn’t short at all. He stood barefoot at 5’2” - in FRENCH inches. That’s 5’7” on the English scale which was average or slightly above for back then. Here are some other historic images you can get out of your head:

Vikings did not have horns on their helmets - that would have been a really bad idea. They’d be an easy target for an opponent to spot or grab onto in battle. That’s probably why archeologists have never found any horned Viking helmets.

There is no record of Lady Godiva riding naked through the town of Coventry. We have poets and artists to thank for that feel-good story which was invented long after Godiva was gone.

Christopher Columbus was not the first guy to figure out the earth was round. This knowledge dates back to at least 5,000 BC, six and a half thousand years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. The argument he had with Queen Isabella was over the size of the earth, not the shape. For the record, they were both way off.

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