Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don’t sit too close to that energy saving light bulb. Shedding light on a disturbing new study...

Whether or not you’re upset that incandescent light bulbs will soon be fading away, you might want to stock up while you still can...

There is some more disturbing news about the new energy saving light bulbs we’ll have to use. A recent study put the new bulbs into the research spotlight. They tested various brands and wattages and every single one failed a particular safety test. It was determined that each bulb tested was emitting harmful UVA and UVC rays, something incandescent bulbs don’t produce. 

Energy saving CFL bulbs are coated with phosphor, which is supposed to block harmful radiation from exiting the bulb. The problem is that there are often chips, cracks or bald patches in that protective coating, especially in spiral shaped bulbs. The closer you are to that bulb, the more at risk you are for skin damage, including premature aging, impaired wound healing and skin cancer. It is recommended you stay at least 30 inches away from CFL bulbs and avoid using any CFLs with a visible defect in the coating.

Do you even like your job? Signs it might be time to quit...

If you’re on the fence about quitting your job and moving on, there are some telltale signs to look for...

Leonard Schlesinger, author of “Just Start,” has some questions you need to ask yourself about your current job and your future:

• Do you keep promising yourself you’ll quit - but don’t? This is a big red flag and indicates you’re not where you should be. 

• Would you want your boss’ job? If not, that could be a problem. Lack of ambition or desire to move up is another hint that you’re in the wrong place. 

• What are your chances of success? If office politics, impossible tasks or lack of ability are an issue, you should really reconsider your future before further damage is done to your professional reputation.

If you do decide it’s time to move on, be sure you have something to move toward. No matter how happy you are to leave your job, do NOT burn bridges. It’s important to take the high road and leave with dignity and professional poise, especially if you’ll be staying within the industry.

Men are more likely to gamble if there’s a romantic payoff involved...

If a man is willing to lie, cheat and steal for the woman he loves, blame evolution...

A new study from the Journal of Risk Research explains the the questionable behavior. Men are natural born risk takers where romance is concerned. That’s because our ancient male ancestors, who were willing to risk it all to find food, shelter and sexual partners, were much more likely to survive long enough to procreate and thrive. Men who were more inclined to sit back and hope for the best were less likely to have offspring to share that boring story with.

The study found those inherited traits are still there brewing in men today. While modern males may already have food and shelter, they are still far more likely to show off some risky behavior in the form of gambling, driving fast and unprotected sex when a woman is involved.

Don’t just smile – strike a pose! How to look good in your next picture...

The next time someone wants to take your picture, pose a little...

It doesn’t take much to avoid looking exactly the same in every picture you’re in. Add some personality with a twist. We all look a little better and less one-dimensional when we turn our shoulders to the side a bit. For women, the shoulder twist will enhance the hip to waist ratio. For men this simple trick will enhance your waist to shoulder appeal.

If you’re going for a whimsical, friendly shot, sit down and have the photographer stand. Looking up at the camera gives you that wide-eyed, adorable look. If you’re more in the mood for a lean, mean, commanding look, ask your photographer to crouch. Shooting up at the subject will give them some height and social dominance.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Can’t get that song out of your head? The science behind stuck song syndrome...

Why is it that the most annoying songs are the ones that wind up stuck in your head?
They’re called earworms and can bore into your brain. A recent study looked at what makes certain songs stick and determined that simple songs were number one on the charts. The catchy chorus is typically the part of the song stuck on repeat and that’s part of the problem. When our minds repeat one part of the song, it registers as an unfinished thought. The next time you’re doing something simple that doesn’t require a lot of brain power, your mind may go back and try to finish that musical thought, over and over. 
Women experience earworm more than men and musicians and music lovers are also more prone. Like every other musical genre, earworms has a top 10 chart - and it just won’t go away. A few of the classics are Who Let the Dogs Out, We Will Rock You, The Lion Sleeps Tonight and It’s a Small World After All. You're welcome.

How much wine should you be drinking a week?

If you like wine, you’ll love this new recommendation from the New England Journal of Medicine...
Their experts say we should be drinking seven glasses a week. They took a look at the benefits of a Mediterranean diet and found that we can significantly lower our risk of stroke and heart disease if we wash the right foods down with that wine.

It’s the combination of ingredients that does the trick, so you’ll need to go all in for the full effect. Other items on the heart healthy Mediterranean menu include olive oil, tree nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, fatty fish and dark chocolate.

Does your office have community coffee mugs? Why you DON’T want to use them...

Some workplaces provide community coffee mugs in an attempt to be green - but you’re better off bringing your own...
Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona says these mugs have been tested and 90% of them were covered with germs. 20% even tested positive for fecal matter. Most office kitchenettes don’t have a dishwasher and those mugs are washed by hand or with the community sponge. 
At work or at home, if a mug has traces of that coffee ring - consider that a filthy ring of bacteria. If you have a favorite commuting mug, be sure to run it through the dishwasher every day. Bacteria thrives in dark, warm places and rinsing it out isn’t enough to kill the coffee cooties.

Garlic isn’t the only food that can make you stink...

Even if you showered this morning, you might still smell like last night’s dinner...
When our bodies go to work trying to break down certain foods we eat, that process can result in body odors that you can’t wash off. Here are some of the most common cultprilts:
* Strong smelling foods and spices: Onions and garlic are particularly stubborn and can continue to seep out through our sweat glands. The same goes for curry and other strong spices.

* Meat: Large portions of meat can take a long time to travel through the digestive track, decaying along the way, resulting in bad breath and body odor.

* Amino acids: Some people have a harder time breaking these down and wind up stinky. Foods high in amino acids include eggs, liver, seafood, peas, beans, and cabbage.

* Alcohol: Your body treats this as a poison and works extra hard to get rid of it anyway it can. Every pore is an escape hatch and you can’t cover up boozy BO.

If you’re interviewing for a job, stop smiling. Why it can hurt your chances...

When it comes to job interviews, smiling is overrated...
A lot of us have a tendency to smile too much when we’re trying to make a good impression on someone and excessive smiling can actually end up backfiring. Hiring managers watch for that and it can suggest a sense of phoniness, nervousness or lack of confidence.
Save your smiles for the introduction and for your exit. It’s okay to smile during the interview as long as the situation warrants it. Having a pleasant look plastered on your face the whole time will make it harder to flash your genuine smile at the right moment.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The magic word for today is because. Just because...

The next time your really need something from someone, be sure to use the word "because." 

It works like magic - just because. You don't even need to justify your "because" with a valid reason. Researchers from Harvard University tested the phenomenon on people waiting in line to use a copy machine. When they asked the question "may I go first?" they were granted permission 60% of the time. When they asked "may I go first because I need to make copies?" they got their way 93% of the time. It seems adding the word "because" adds a sense of importance to your request, regardless of the reason.

If you love tech, start saving up for Google Glass. What, when and how much...

For those of you who can't bear putting down your latest gadget, pretty soon you won't have to...

Introducing Google Glass. The headgear Goggle has been promising is slated to go on the market by the end of this year. Google Glass is a device you wear on your face - and it looks just like a pair of glasses. It will respond to your voice commands and allow you to snap pictures or video of what you're seeing. If you're view isn't interesting enough, you can ask your Google Glass to search for images, information or even directions to the closest coffee shop. That information will pop up right before your eyes.

If you like high-priced trendy glasses, then Google Glass is a must-have. They are expected to sell for just under $1,500 and will come in a variety of colors.

It's a grim thought - but what happens to your Facebook if you die?

If something terrible were to happen to you tomorrow, would your Facebook be in order?

It's not much fun to think about but there's a good chance your Facebook and your last post will live on and on, long after the fond memories and RIPs taper off. 

As of now, there is no single law that covers your online life after death. Most privacy policies prevent other's from accessing your accounts post mortem, for better or worse. Family members can take the matter to court but that can be expensive with no guarantees.

If the deceased has not left explicit instructions on what to do, or left a trusted individual with account access, there are a few options for surviving family members. Facebook offers their deepest sympathy and allows a request to have your loved one's page memorialized. You'll need to provide some proof of birth and death and who you are. A memorialized account cannot accept new friends and posting is limited but the deceased will still be able to receive private messages. 

You might want to switch things up today and have some dessert for breakfast...

How about some cookies or a piece of cake for breakfast?

It may sound all wrong but it works for some dieters. It's called front-loading your calories and people who are prone to sweet cravings later in the day were less prone to them when they indulged in the morning instead. 

Satisfying that sweet tooth early on can pay off later, IF you behave yourself. You're more likely to burn off the extra calories when consumed in the morning when your metabolism is up and running.

Drinking and driving is bad. Driving with a cold could be even worse...

Don't sneeze and drive...

That's the latest warning from a new study that suggests driving with a cold can be even more dangerous than driving drunk. Researchers compared the reaction time of cold sufferers with alcohol blood levels above the legal limit. The results found the sniffling group to have even lower alertness levels than the tipsy bunch. The cold drivers had a tendency to follow too closely and took longer to stop the car on command. 

When your body is fighting an infection, memory and movement can become impaired, regardless of the severity of sickness. If you add in a sneeze, you're increasing the risk. That can take your eyes off the road for as much as three full seconds. 

If you're controlling or self-centered - blame your siblings. The side-effects of birth order...

Is your older brother or sister a controlling people pleaser?

If they were first born, that may be the case. Birth order can determine a lot of aspects of our personalities. Here are the most common traits, in order:

• First born: Dependable, trustworthy and devoted. They also tend to whine and demand attention and seek approval from anyone in charge. Some famous first-borns include, Oprah, Rush Limbaugh, and more than half of our U.S. Presidents.

• Middle child: Secretive and more independent, the middle child often responds more to peer groups rather than the parents or the bossy first-born. Some famous middle children are Princess Di, David Letterman, Donald Trump and Madonna.

• Last born: Social and outgoing, the baby of the family loves the limelight. They are charming but can be manipulative or competitive. Famous last-borns are Jay Leno, Ralph Nader, Bill Gates and Steve Martin.

• Only child: This one enjoys being the center of attention but is sensitive to criticism. Only children can become quite skilled at pitting parents or friends against each other but in true first-born fashion, will go the extra mile for their approval in the end. Some famous only children are Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley.

If you were getting a dog today - what would you call it? What NOT to name your dog...

Naming a new dog is serious business...

After all, you'll be saying that name over and over for years to come. Animal training experts say the best names for a dog are two syllables. One syllable names can be confusing to your new pooch, especially if you're trying to teach them commands. You'll want to stay clear of names like Schmidt, Shay, Fletch or Mo if you plan on teaching your dog words like sit, stay, fetch or no. It's also a good idea to avoid names with three or more syllables. Those will be harder for a young dog to get used to, especially if you wind up shortening it on occasion.

Another name to avoid for your new dog is a popular name. Bella, Bailey, Max, Molly or Buddy may get confused at the dog park when they hear everyone calling their name.

If you're trying to lose weight, stock up on paper plates...

Would you like to eat less? Start using paper plates...

Researchers put some different plates and place settings to the test and found out that they can have a big impact on how much we eat. Participants who used heavy, quality plates and cloth napkins wound up eating 30% more than those who were stuck with paper plates and plastic utensils. 

If you'd like to eat even less, enjoy your paper plate meal alone and standing up. The study also found that we eat more and reach for seconds when we're seated, or dining family style.

Before you hit send on your next email, check the color of your font. Why it matters...

What color is that email?

You've got a lot of choices in the toolbar at the top and font color can be an important one. If you're asking someone for a favor via email, change the font from black to a softer blue, gray or green. That gives your email a friendlier, more flexible tone. If it's a personal favor, you can choose a friendlier font type. If it's a professional favor, don't get too fancy. If you really mean business, stick to black and stay with a standard Times Roman or Arial font. 

If you're tempted to use red in an email, keep in mind it will come across as aggressive on the other end. Save red for when you're making a very important point and consider it a written alert or alarm.  

Do you sleep curled up or spread eagle. What that says about your personality...

Are you a soldier in bed - or more of a yearner?

Researchers looked at 1,000 sleepers and determined the six most common sleep positions. They also found that people who shared favorite sleep positions had some common personality traits:

• Fetal: The most common position at 41%. These curled up side-sleepers tend to be tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. 

• Log: 15% of people sleep like a log, with their arms at their sides. Log sleepers are easy going, trusting and gullible.

• Yearners: These sleepers are on their sides with their arms outstretched. They tend to be suspicious, indecisive and don't like to change their minds.

• Soldiers: 8% of us sleep at attention, on our backs with arms at our sides. Soldiers are quite and reserved, have high standards and don't like a fuss.

• Freefallers: Those who sleep on their stomachs with arms and legs stretched out a bit are brash, thin-skinned and don't like to be criticized. 

• Starfish: Sleeping on your back with arms and legs stretched out suggests you would make a good friend. Starfish are ready to listen and eager to help.  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Which doctor in particular...

An apple a day may help to keep the gastroenterologist at bay...

Apples are high in pectin, which is a type of fiber that helps to keep colon tissue healthy and has been show to slow tumor growth. Apples also have other compounds that reduce inflammation. While your in the produce aisle, grab some bananas too. They've got vitamin B6 which is also believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer.  

If you really need to concentrate on something, chew some gum. Why it helps...

The next time you really need to be focused and in the zone - find some chewing gum...

There's more evidence that says it can really help us concentrate on the task at hand. That's because the act of chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain by about 25%. It can also relieve tension in the jaw and face and improve cognitive function. 

Any flavor gum will do but researchers put several varieties to the test and found that peppermint or spearmint gum were the most effective. Don't have any gum handy? Chew some pretend gum. That was found to improve focus and memory a bit too.

If you'd like to save money at your favorite stores and restaurants, there's an easy way to do that now...

A simple click could save you money on your favorite products and at your favorite stores and restaurants...

Thanks to Facebook's new feature called Facebook Offers, retailers and companies can now offer you discounts and coupons in your newsfeed. Take a few minutes to make a list of your favorite things, from clothing and accessories, to jewelry, household products, cosmetics and food. Now find those pages on Facebook and click Like. When you see an offer in your newsfeed, click on that and have the coupon sent to your email or smartphone. You'll even have an option to share offers with your friends.  

Save a sip of that wine - for your face! The red wine facial...

If you'd like to do something really nice for your face - give it some wine...

Lisa Vela, of New York's Amore Pacific Spa, says red wine is really effective at improving and healing damaged skin. The grape skins in the wine are rich in resveratrol, a favorite facial antioxidant that repels harmful free radicals. 

Instead of just drinking the red wine, you'll need to apply some directly to your face. Mix a few tablespoons of the wine with a little Greek yogurt and honey and set it aside. Now, relax for a few minutes with a warm, wet washcloth over your face to open the pores. When you're ready, smear that red wine mask all over your face and chill out for another 15 minutes. Once you rinse it off, your face will be rejuvenated with a healthy glow. 

Tax season is prime time for identity thieves. What to watch out for...

While you're getting things in order to file your taxes, watch out for anything from the IRS that says you've already filed...

It's a favorite scam of identity thieves who have somehow gotten their dirty hands on your social security number - and they strike early in the tax season. Here are some red flag notices to be on the lookout for from the IRS:

• More than one federal tax return has been filed in your name.

• You have a balance due.

• You have a refund offset.

• There is a collection against you from a prior year.

• A letter showing income from an employer you don't know.

Consumer Reports says, if you suspect fraud, respond immediately to the name and number on the correspondence. You’ll also have to fill out the IRS Identity Theft Affidavit, Form. Alert the agency if you’ve recently had an experience that could result in identity theft, such as a lost or stolen purse or wallet. The toll-free number for the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit is (800) 908-4490.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

How would you like to be back stage at the Academy Awards? How you can do that, sort of...

Don’t just watch the 85th Academy Awards this Sunday – be there, virtually...

There are a slew of apps out there for Oscar buffs and some will give you the insider’s view:

• Oscars: This free app is from ABC Digital. You can read up on nominees, watch trailers and use your Backstage Pass to watch behind-the-scenes footage.

• Live from the Red Carpet is another free app from E! Online. You’ll get all the dirt on who’s wearing what, complete with the latest celebrity gossip.

• The Race to the Oscars is free from Hollywood Reporter and will feature live coverage, commentary and celebrity Tweets.

Is your snoring partner a nose whistler or a wall shaker? Why it matters...

If you or someone you sleep with snores – the type of snore is important...

People snore for different reasons and identifying the trigger could help you find the right silencer. Here are some common types and the best defense:

• The Pig in a Trough: This is a throaty, snorting snore – strong and steady. Being overweight is the most common culprit. Losing weight should be a priority but in the meantime, an anti-snore pillow may help. 

• The Nose Whistler: This snorer may have a nose defect such as a deviated septum or nasal polyp. Nasal strips or spray may help and there’s also a good chance sleeping on one side is quieter than the other.

• The Wall Shaker: This is ultra-loud snoring and can be heard in the next room. This snore is also often accompanied by long silences and restless sleep. There’s a good chance the Wall Shaker has sleep apnea. The best apprach here is CPAP device or mouth guard.

• The Darth Vader: This is a raspy, throaty snore and is usually coming from someone slim and fit. This snore can usually be blamed on a weak or small chin. A mandibular advancement device may help. This is a type of mouth contraption that brings the lower jaw forward a bit while you sleep.

Leftovers for lunch could be bad news for your coworkers...

If you’re heating up last night’s dinner for lunch, prepare to be bloated...

Dietitian Sian Porter says that reheating certain foods can wind up making you gassy. It’s especially true if those leftovers include rice, corn, pasta, bread or beans. When resistant starches are cooled and reheated again, they’re more difficult to digest. Your system has to work a little harder to break those down which can trigger the bloating and gas.

If you had a scary dream last night, think about what you ate for dinner. The nightmare ingredient...

Did you know that spicy food can trigger bad dreams?

Sleep experts explain that eating heavy or spicy foods within two to three hours before bed can trigger nightmares. Hot stuff and heavy meals get our metabolisms all revved up. Once your mind drifts off, your body is still working hard to digest and can get conflicted. These mixed signals can interfere with sleep which increases the odds you’ll have some interesting or frightening dreams.

Could men with facial hair be healthier? The benefits of facial hair...

If you’re a man with asthma or allergies – you might want to grow a beard...

A new study is suggesting that men with facial hair might be better off. Here are some of their findings: 

• Areas of the face covered by hair are better protected from harmful UV rays. The denser the hair is, the more SPF you’re growing.

• A big mustache can catch a lot of pollen and dust and help to prevent allergy and asthma attacks.

• Hairy-faced men are better protected from wind and other elements and have younger skin under there.

• Thick beards that have grown under the chin and neck will raise the temperature of the neck and may help battle cough and colds.

• Less shaving means fewer ingrown hairs and skin infections.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

If you’d like to make a LOT of money for just lying in bed – I’ll tell you who to sleep with...

If your dream job would pay you good money for just lying around – NASA is hiring...

In an ongoing effort to study the effects of microgravity on astronauts, NASA pays participants $17,000 to lie in bed for 90 days. Before you pack your bags for Galveston, where the Flight Analog Research Unit has their bed-rest facility, you’ll have to prove you’re in really good health and pass Air Force medical examination standards.

Once you’re in bed with NASA, you’ll be tilted head down, feet up, to simulate some effects of zero gravity. This way NASA can track your muscle atrophy and bone loss. You’ll be allowed to sleep for eight hours a day but be kept awake for the other 16. There are no conjugal visits but they will roll you into a lounge to interact with other bedridden participants. You’ll also be on camera the whole time.

To date, more than 40 people have completed NASA’s Bed-Rest study and at least eight have quit. 

Do men who do more chores have more sex?

You might think men who help out a lot around the house would have better sex lives – but that’s not always the case...

A new study is suggesting that the men who do the most day-to-day housework are having the least sex. Chores on the libido-lowering list included cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping. Sabino Kornrich, lead author of the study, says gender roles play a big part in their findings. Relationships in which those roles are well-defined typically have more passion and payoff in the intimacy department.

That doesn’t mean men are off the hook from helping out. The study also found that men who regularly participate in masculine tasks around the house are having the most sex. Those chores include yard work, paying the bills and auto maintenance.

Take a good look at the next billboard you pass – and then check your speed. What you might notice...

Beware of billboards...

A recent study says they can have a dramatic effect on how we drive, depending on the message. They discovered that drivers tend to speed up after passing signs with enticing messages or images such as cash, fame or sex appeal. Depressing billboards were dangerous too. After passing signs with negative words and images such as abuse, stress, prison or war, drivers had a tendency to slow down and drift from their lane.  

Do you leave your lights on while you’re away? Bad idea!.

It’s a good idea to leave some lights on while you’re away – but they’d better be on a timer...

That’s one of the things that burglars look for and lights that are on 24/7 SCREAM empty house. Here are some other clues robbers are hoping you’ll leave:

• Mail: Anything with your last name on it makes it a lot easier to find your phone number. They’ll need that later to see if you’re home.

• Flower pots: If you’ve got a flower pot, door mat or other decorative things anywhere near your door, that’s where they’ll check for that spare key. The safest place to hide one is with your neighbor.

• A cheap door: Your front door may be top notch but burglars will check the others to find the one they could kick in in pick the lock on. 

• Knob handles: These are typically the easiest to pick. Every door should have a deadbolt.

• The obituary: Burglars check the paper for funeral services to let them know when the whole family will be gone. Ask a neighbor to keep an eye out and leave a vehicle in the driveway.

Could you be raising a criminal? What NOT to let your kids do...

If you’d like to reduce the odds of your child having a police record someday – turn off the TV...

Researchers in New Zealand say they have found a direct correlation between too much TV in childhood and criminal conviction in adults. They followed a group of 1,000 children born in 1972 and 1973 and tracked their TV habits. The more TV they watched between the ages of five and 15, the more likely they were to develop anti-social behavior and wind up with a criminal record. Those odds increased by 30% with every additional hour of TV watched per weeknight.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

If you’d like to improve your night vision - wear sunglasses!

If you struggle to see while driving at night, you may need a better pair of sunglasses during the day...
According to the American Optometric Association, just two hours of exposure to bright sunlight during the day can significantly reduce the quality of your vision adjustment indoors or at night. 

Go ahead and eat carrots, they won’t hurt - but berries are actually a better choice to improve your night vision. Eating a half cup of berries each day will help to strengthen capillaries and improve blood flow to the retinas.

You really should buy some new underwear this week...

February is the shortest month of the year - so why not make the most of it?
This is the best week to buy underwear. Fancy lingerie shops like Victoria secret slash their prices on intimate items right after Valentine’s Day. The same rule applies to a lot of jewelry departments, with savings of 50% or more in some cases. High end winter coats are also priced to go and will be gone soon.
Although not as much fun, the end of February is an excellent time to get your taxes in order. Tax software and preparation services are vying for your business right now. Big names like H&R Block and Turbo Tax are already advertising up to 58% off their programs. 

Want to do something good for your heart? How to heat things up...

If you like hot, spicy food here’s some really good news...
Chinese researchers have determined that the compounds found in chile peppers are good for the heart and can boost cardiovascular health. They tested their theory on some unsuspecting hamsters. One group got the hot stuff on a regular basis for six weeks. At the end of the trial, the hot hamsters were in much better shape with lower cholesterol and healthier aortic arteries than the others. 
If you’re not used to cooking with peppers and would like to work some into your diet, here are some pointers from pepper expert Dave DeWitt:

* If you want just a little spiciness: Use a jalapeño pepper—and the larger it is, the less hot it will tend to be.

* If you want medium spiciness: Use cayenne powder or fresh New Mexican chiles, such as the “Big Jim” variety, but be sure to roast them and peel off the tough skins.

* If you want a very spicy experience: Use a habañero pepper—and the smaller it is, the hotter it will tend to be.

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, you may need some Viagra...

Are those Valentine roses looking a little limp?
Find some Viagra. Australian researchers got curious and gave some wilting flowers a fraction of the little blue pill. The result: the stems stood straight up for about a week beyond their natural lifespan.
It didn’t take much Viagra to get the job done. They put just one milligram into the vase. A typical human dose comes in 25, 50 or 100 milligrams.

If your hands are nails are dry and brittle now, skip the moisturizer. What to use instead...

Winter weather really takes a toll on your hands and nails...
Dry skin and brittle nails are a common complaint and applying moisturizer is NOT the way to fix them. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends avoiding typical hand lotion. That just adds temporary relief on the top layer and will actually evaporate, taking moisture from the deeper layers of your skin and nails with it.
A better approach to healing winter hands is to apply petroleum jelly like Vaseline instead. That will penetrate the top layers and help to hydrate the deep layers of your skin and nails.

If you've ever wondered what the perfect man is like - we found him!

His name is Ian Clague - and he's the perfect man! 
That's according to research by the dating firm Premier Match. The firm founder, Christie Nightingale, says Premier Match is an executive search firm, much like a headhunting firm, that takes all the criteria into consideration and then matches clients up with their perfect mate. After analyzing data from 9,000 women, Premier Match put all the assets together and came up with Mr. Perfect, and Ian fit the bill. Here is his resume, at a glance:

* He's British

* 50 years old

* Light brown hair

* Green eyes

* Athletic

* 5'11"

* Non-smoker

* Cambridge Graduate degree

* Hedge fund manager

* Earns more than $150,000

There's something you MUST do before connecting to that Wi-Fi hotspot...

A lot of us don't think twice before connecting to that Starbucks or McDonalds Wi-Fi...

...but beware of impostors! Hackers love those popular hotspots and they are prime properties to set up fake networks which may show up first in your list of choices. Before you hit connect, be sure there is not more than one network available. If there is, it is worth your while to ask an employee what the network is called. Bogus networks are usually very similar to the legitimate one, so choose with care.

It's also a good idea to check the settings on your device. If your smartphone or tablet is set to connect to available Wi-Fi without permission, you're really at risk of malicious networks set up specifically to steal your information. Find the Wi-Fi section in your settings and make sure the auto-connecting feature is off

Most of us are shaking inferior salt onto our food. How to salt with style...

If your salt shaker is filled with run-of-the-mill table salt...
...there's a good chance your sprinkling chemicals onto your food. Mark Bitterman, author of "Salted," says most table salt, kosher salt and sea salt is mass produced and usually contains chemical additives. He says the world is full of quality salt and you should really know which one your shaking. Here are the three best foundation salts to look for:

  • Fleur de Sel. This hand-harvested sea salt has very fine, granular, irregular-shaped crystals. It contains a lot of moisture, so it doesn’t dissolve and disappear. This is a great finishing salt for foods like chicken or pork.
  • el Gris. Also known as gray sea salt, is coarse and a bit chunky. This is the one you want for foods like steak, lamb and root vegetables.
  • Flake Salt. Unlike granular salt, flake salt is parchment-paper fine and less minerally in flavor. Instead of dissolving gradually in your mouth, it’s all ‘Pow! Snap!’ in salty flavor and then it’s gone. This one's perfect for fresh veggies and green salads.

Teenagers have managed to come up with yet another dangerous trend. What they're doing in bed...

If you've got a teenager, you'll need to keep an eye on what they're doing in bed...
Sleep texting is becoming a widespread problem, especially for adolescents. Dr. Joseph Ojile, founder of the Clayton Sleep Institute, says it's a growing problem and it's serious. It's not unusual for a teen to take their tech to bed, often drifting off with their phone or device in hand, or right next to them. Some kids are so tuned in that they'll respond to notifications without fully waking up. Obviously, this can lead to inappropriate or mistaken communication and worse, disrupt that all-important sleep that every teenager craves.
If you've got a teen or a child who is really hooked on their phone, try to lay down the law that it goes off or stays out of the bedroom at night. If they rely on it for their music or alarm - it may be time to invest in an good old fashioned clock radio.

Have you got acne? You might want to stock up on leeches. The ancient remedy that's making a comeback...

The days of using leeches to cure what ails you may seem long gone...
...but they're making a comeback. Leeching has been around for more than 2,500 years treating all sorts of ailments. Some civilized nations still use leeches to treat everyday conditions such as acne gout, arthritis, vertigo and sinusitis. 
The slimy saliva that leeches excrete contain an enzyme that helps to prevent clotting and increases blood flow to damaged tissue. Some hospitals keep a supply of leeches on hand, even in the U.S. They fall under the medical term of biotherapy and are used for specific procedures where there is a need for the gradual draining or flow of blood. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

If you’re worried that your partner may be tempted to stray - there’s something that could reduce the odds...

Are you afraid that your partner may be tempted to cheat on you?

You need some oxytocin. A recent study put the natural hormone to the test and its effects were significant. Oxytocin is considered the love hormone and can help deepen emotional bonds. Women produce it naturally during childbirth and breast feeding. Men have it too but their levels are lower.

For the experiment, men in committed relationships were split into two groups. One group was given an oxytocin nasal spray. The other group got the placebo spray. 45 minutes later, the men were asked to stand in front of a beautiful stranger. The men who had taken the love spray stood farther away from the temptress.

While it is available, asking your partner to use a faithfulness spray might be awkward, there are several natural ways to keep that bonding oxytocin flowing naturally:

• Get scared together
• Watch an emotional movie together
• Dance with your partner
• Sing a karaoke duet
• Have sex more often

How is the vibe in your bedroom? What to keep out of there...

Is your bedroom a sanctuary or a mess?

Setting the right atmosphere in there can make a big difference in your life and in your relationship. Here are some bedroom dos and don’ts:

The TV, computer and exercise equipment have to go. Couples who have TVs and computers in the bedroom have less intimacy. Exercise equipment is not romantic and can be distracting, especially if it’s used to hang wet towels or dirty clothes.

Moving water is another don’t. Whether it’s a leaky faucet or a cute fountain, moving water creates yang energy and your bedroom is supposed to be yin.

While you’re packing up the exercise equipment and fountain, throw the family photos in there too. Family and friends don’t belong in your bedroom.

Now you’ve made room for the bedroom dos. A happy photo of the couple is fine. You’ll also want to be sure it’s a bedroom for two. That means matching bedside tables and lamps. Keeping bedroom elements equally comfortable and balanced for both people creates a sense of harmony. 

Quick – sign your kid up for music lessons! The best age to start playing...

There’s more evidence supporting the theory that musical kids grow up to be smarter...

New research found that starting music classes at age seven speeds up the development of motor skills. Anywhere between the age of six and eight is the best time to pick up an instrument and start playing. 

If you’d like your child to have an even greater advantage, start practicing sooner. Children who take music lessons before the age of seven tend to mature the sensory regions of the brain faster.

There’s a giant asteroid hurling toward Earth tomorrow. What time it will miss us...

Tomorrow is a day we can thank our lucky stars...

At 2:36 EST, a giant asteroid will just miss us by about 17,000 miles. That may sound far but in space time it will be just 15 minutes away. Its name is 2012 DA14 and we’re not expected to feel any of effects from it. However, it is passing through a satellite field and there is a potential for some TV or GPS interference.

2012 DA14 won’t be visible to the naked eye, but NASA will be streaming the near-miss live. This asteroid is about half the size of a football field and would have been a catastrophic hit.

The next time you make a doctor’s appointment, ask this question first...

If you hate waiting for your turn in a busy doctor’s office, there are a few things you can do to speed things up – ahead of time...

• When you make your appointment, ask which days are least busy. Most doctor’s offices are busiest on Monday’s and Fridays.

• Before you leave home or work, call and ask if they are running on schedule.

• When scheduling a follow-up appointment, ask if it can be done by email or phone. Some insurance companies are now allowing doctors to bill for these virtual appointments.

• If there will be any paperwork to fill out, ask them to send it to you. Fill it out ahead of time and arrive a few minutes early. Patients with completed paperwork are often moved to the front of the line.