Wednesday, July 31, 2013

If your dog likes water - beware of pond scum. How it could be deadly...

Pond scum isn’t just foul - it could be deadly to your dog. 

The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory wants you to know that anywhere there is water, pond scum may be lurking. It’s a blue-green algae that grows like crazy with warm weather and sunshine and it’s even more plentiful in drought conditions. Animals exposed to the toxins of pond scum can get really sick - and so can humans. High levels can even lead to liver failure and death. 

If you’ll be frolicking with your best friend near a lake or pond, stay clear of the green water areas. You don’t need to drink it to get sick, any physical contact can put you and your pooch at risk.

While it’s still up for debate that humans are naturally monogamous, these animals are.

We humans are often put into the monogamous animal category, but many experts continue to debate that stereotype. 

However, there are some species in the wild kingdom who absolutely prefer to mate for life:

* Gibbons: They’re a small, slender tree-dwelling ape. The males and females are about the same size and they spend a lot of time hanging out together, grooming their partner.

* Swans: Their bonds last for many years. You may even see that graceful couple gliding around together for life.

* Black vultures: Not as romantic as swans on the outside, but inside they’re in love. Black vultures are even known to attack another who is caught cheating.

* Wolves: Packs often consist of a male, a female and their offspring - and stick together much like a human family.

* Albatrosses: They travel great distances over the ocean, but will always return to the same place and the same partner.

* Turtle doves: There’s a reason they come in two’s - and they stay that way.

* Bald eagles: They typically mate for life and will only consider another in the event of their partner’s death. 

* Beavers: Not only are they faithful, both parents raise their offspring together. Good beavers don’t stray but bad beavers have been observed cheating.

We may not have the cure to the common cold yet - but we’ve got some hot relief.

It’s true, chicken soup and tea will help ease the symptoms of the common cold.

Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer at the American Lung Association, has advice if you’re suffering and hot liquids are just what the doctor is ordering. It’s not the ingredients that bring relief, it’s the temperature. Dr. Edelman says when we swallow a hot drink, that heat to the esophagus and windpipe are very effective at loosening things up, making it easier for you to cough and blow it out. 

While you’re drinking hot stuff, drink plenty of cool stuff too. Every time you cough or sneeze you’re losing hydration. Lots of water and extra hydration are key elements to thinning things out and a speedier recovery.

If you want a smart baby - feed them this. IQ food...

Happy National Breastfeeding Month! (August) 

A new study gives breastfeeding enthusiasts even more reason to celebrate. Researchers say breastfed babies wind up with higher IQs - and the longer they breastfeed, the smarter they get. A team at Boston Children’s Hospital looked at the relationship between breastfeeding and verbal and nonverbal intelligence at age 3 and 7 years and breast babies prevailed. They say that exclusively breastfeeding for the first year of life could boost your babies IQ by a whopping 4 points.

You know what white noise is - but what about brown noise?

Do you know the color of noise? 

Well-known white noise is considered the flattest. It’s a continuous sound with level frequency that covers a broad spectrum. Static noise is white noise. Here are some lesser known noise colors:

* Pink noise is similar to white, except with an emphasis on lower frequencies. It’s less noisy than white noise, more like a waterfall. 

* Brown noise is the lowest noise. It’s more of a soft, deep rumbling. Thunder, trains and that sub woofer from the car in front of you falls into this category.

* Black noise has a few different definitions but is most commonly considered the absence of noise, silence. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eye contact: How much is too much?

Some people struggle with eye contact - while others overdo it. 

So what’s the norm? That depends on the situation. In a group, 3 to 5 seconds is considered normal, engaged eye contact. Keeping someone in your sights longer than that may be perceived as staring, especially if they’re not the one talking. Less than that, and we may think you’re just not interested.

One on one, that gaze can last up to 10 seconds before we glance away. You’ll also need to factor in the time NOT looking. Anything more than about 50% is risky. If we go too long before re-establishing contact, we’ll seem disinterested.

Got sunburn? Get milk.

Sleeping with a sunburn can be torture - but you’re going to need a lot of it. 

Getting as much sleep as possible after the fact will help your skin heal much faster. Your skin needs rest and time to recover and it naturally heals itself during lengthy sleep cycles.

Before you go to bed, it’s a good idea to take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever like ibuprofen and drink plenty of water to help hydrate the skin overnight. For the ultimate soothing treatment before bed, add a gallon of whole milk to a tub of cool water and soak in it. The milk bath will deliver all-important vitamins A, D and E to the damage. If you’d rather not submerge yourself in dairy, apply cloths soaked in cool milk directly to the damage.

Your porch light is amazing - to a moth.

Why do moths love your porch light so much? 

They think they’ve arrived - on the moon. Most species of moths use the light of the moon to navigate. It’s their primary reference point to help calibrate their flight paths and stay well above their predators. Your porch light, headlights or camp fire is really confusing to them. They may think they’re flying up towards the moon, away from danger, but didn’t expect it to be so close. 

Should your child be lifting weights? That depends.

If you have a teenager, have them drop and give you ten. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adolescents should be working some muscle strength training into their week. Young children who are active tend to get the muscle training they need through their natural instincts to run, jump and climb on things. Once puberty and hormones kick in, it’s a good idea for teens to consider some heavier lifting. Strength training, including situps, pushups and structured weight lifting three times a week will not only improve development but will significantly reduce the risk of sports injuries by boosting bone density and strengthening muscles and tendons.

If your teen is interested in working with weights, they’ll need an age-appropriate program with lighter weights and more repetition. Their skeletal systems are different than an adult's and it’s important to start out slow. Their goal should be to tone their muscles, not to bulk them up.

Go ahead, accept that complement. Why humility backfires.

Can you take a compliment? A lot of people can’t. 

The next time someone flatters you, resist the urge to come back with a self deprecating remark. “Oh, this old thing?” or “I could have done better” only contradicts the person complimenting you. While that may seem harmless, you’re actually suggesting they have poor judgement or taste.

A sincere “Thank you” is the best response when you’re complemented. If you have trouble doing that, throw in a “that’s nice of you to say” or “I appreciate that” to avoid sounding like “thank you, I am great aren’t I?”

Monday, July 29, 2013

Does your ATM PIN start with the number 1? Why you need to change that...

If your ATM PIN starts with 19 - it’s considered easy to guess. 

According to Nick Berry of Data Genetics, every four-digit combination beginning with 19 is in the top 20% of guessable PINs. That’s because anniversary and birth years are commonly used. 2580 is a bad choice too. It may sound random but it’s easy for crooks to guess that lazy, center row choice. Your clever couplet PIN is lame too. Those contain repeats like 4242 or 8787. Here are the top ten weakest ATM PINs:


Do you work in the smart department - or the good looking one?

Coworkers who work in the same department are bound to have something in common beyond their managers and view. 

CareerBuilder.com conducted a survey and this is how different departments are perceived as a group:

* Make some friends in Customer Service. They’re considered the most social bunch.

* Got a problem? Find IT. Information Technology is perceived as the smartest department.

* The sales department is a good looking group. That’s where the most attractive people sit.

* Don’t bother the Production & Quality department, they’re busy being the most productive people in the building.

* Visit the Legal Department - if you dare. They’re perceived as the most intimidating employees on staff.

Gardens are bursting with basil right now. Why we all need to eat some.

If you’re not growing basil - find a neighbor who is. 

It’s plentiful right now and basil is really good for us. It’s a great source of vitamin K which is good for our blood and our bones. It’s got iron and calcium and several other healthy compounds too. Basil also has unique anti-bacterial properties. Eating and cooking with it can help protect us from common strains of bacteria, provide relief from headaches and constipation and even ease symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. 

Cheer up! There’s a new social network on the scene. Finding your happy place...

If you’re tired of all the negativity and bad news out there - a new social network wants to keep you happy. 

It’s called Happier.com. As the site says, “Happier is a beautiful way to collect and share happy moments you find in everyday life. Brighten up someone’s day by smiling at their happy moments and get ideas for what to do to be happier!”

If all that happiness makes you mad, you might be happier with social networks such as No-Fun.com, Snubster.com or Hatebook.com where you’re free to rant and rave with like disgruntled minds.

We’re told to slather on sunscreen every day - but is that dangerous?

Slathering on more sunscreen today? You’d better check the ingredients first. 

Some experts say there is such a thing as too much sunscreen and the wrong type could be hazardous to our health. According to the Environmental Working Group, more than half of retail sunscreens contain chemicals we shouldn’t be smearing into our skin. The biggest concerns were the ingredients oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate, a type of vitamin A. SPF over 50 is also considered too much. Here’s what to look for instead:

* Opt for sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 and a maximum of SPF 50.

* Make sure labels list UVA and UVB or broad spectrum protection.

* Skip products with oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate if you're concerned about potentially toxic chemicals.

* Choose lotions instead of spray sunscreens. They provide better coverage and reduce the risk of inhalation.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

How much should you spend on that wedding gift? We’ll ask American Express.

Invited to a wedding? That’s going to cost you. 

American Express conducted a survey and found that the average American attending a wedding will spend around $539. The bride and groom will only see a fraction of that. That total includes travel and accommodations, personal apparel and of course, the gift.

We spend about $108 on the gift itself. That varies by relationship to the couple. The gift for close family members is up around $179, while your co-worker's gift will only set you back about $66. 52% of couples say they prefer receiving cash as a wedding gift, while only 32% of the guests feel comfortable doing that.

Spoiler alert! The National Safety Council has listed the most likely ways there are to die.

Most people would rather not know how it’s all likely to end...

But for those who are curious, the National Safety Council has listed the odds. Heart disease and cancer top the list at 1 in 7, followed by chronic respiratory disease at 1 in 28. Here is the rest of the list:

Intentional self-harm 1 in 106
Motor vehicle incidents 1 in 108
Unintentional poisoning 1 in 123
Falls 1 in 158
Assault by firearm 1 in 340
Car occupant 1 in 415
Pedestrian 1 in 749
Motorcycle rider 1 in 907
Accidental drowning 1 in 1,112
Exposure to fire, flames, or smoke 1 in 1,419
Choking on food 1 in 3,842
Pedalcyclist 1 in 4,982
Firearms discharge 1 in 7,059
Air and space transport accidents 1 in 7,229
Exposure to excessive natural heat 1 in 11,111
Exposure to electric current 1 in 12,146
Contact with sharp objects 1 in 32,322
Contact with heat and hot substances 1 in 58,372
Contact with hornets, wasps, and bees 1 in 71,107
Legal execution 1 in 79,815
Bitten or struck by dog 1 in 122,216
Cataclysmic storm 1 in 126,158
Lightning 1 in 126,158

Pay attention to the phases of the moon. How it affects your sleep...

The phases of the moon affects a lot of things here on earth - including how we sleep. 

A recent study found that we sleep for about 20 minutes less on the four nights surrounding a full moon. 

It took participants in the lunar sleep study about five extra minutes to fall asleep on the full moon and the quality of sleep around that lunar phase was not as good due to lower levels of melatonin.

Does stress lead to weight loss - or weight gain? That depends.

If you’re stressed out, you may wind up losing weight - or gaining some. 

It all depends on the type of stress you’re experiencing. A study from Harvard Medical School helps to explain the phenomenon. When we are experiencing bursts of temporary, acute stress, it’s not unusual to lose our appetite. Our systems are experiencing overload and the thought of eating and digesting is just too much work.

If you’re experiencing long term, chronic stress, you’ll likely see some weight gain as a result. That constant state of stress triggers your adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol which increases appetite. Those with chronic stress are at risk of falling into an emotional eating habit. Feeding the emotion and not the hunger can cause us to crave more dense, fattening comfort food.

Does your child have a computer in the bedroom?

If there is a TV or computer in your child’s bedroom, you may want to get it out of there ASAP. 

Researchers tested some kids and those without the good stuff were much better off than those with the fun rooms, who were less tired at bedtime, less likely to exercise and worse off in school.

The study found that pre-teens were especially at risk. They need extra sleep as they enter puberty and the gadgets were interfering with that. The study also found that a TV or computer in the bedroom was particularly disruptive for boys.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A dog’s view is not black and white.

Despite what you may have heard - dogs DO see color. 

A group of Russian scientists are giving us some new insight into a dog’s view. They put several breeds to the test and found that they were all able to distinguish blue and yellow - but not red and green.

So what does that red toy look like to your dog? It’s probably dark brown, gray or black. Go with the blue Frisbee if you’d like your dog to spot it on the green grass, which looks more yellow to them. 

If you drink tea - splurge on the good stuff.

Tea drinkers may want to consider skipping the bargain brands. 

A recent study found that less expensive store brands of tea bags have more than tea in there - and it’s not good. The concern is high levels of fluoride. Some economy brands were found to contain 75% to 120% of the recommended daily intake of fluoride and that’s way too much.

Black teas blends were the worst offenders. The reason these cheap teas have so much fluoride is because more older adult leaves are mixed into the blends. Tea plants accumulate fluoride as they grow and quality teas are harvested from bud and younger leaves, 

Skipping breakfast can put you at risk.

There’s a new health hazard regarding breakfast - NOT eating it. 

A recent study found that skipping breakfast could increase the risk of heart attack. Older men are most at risk, there odds spike 27%. The researchers found that those who don’t eat breakfast are more likely to eat larger meals later in the day. The body works harder to process those meals and breakfast skippers may experience spikes in sugar levels and overall stress on the body.

Experts say those who do eat breakfast tend to have healthier diets. Those who regularly skip it are more likely to be obese or have high blood pressure - both significant risk factors of heart attack.

Do you butter your bread - or dip it in olive oil?

Is dipping bread in olive oil is healthier than butter? Not necessarily. 

While olive oil is healthier than butter, they are equally fattening, per tablespoon. It’s true that the fat in olive oil is considered healthier than butter fat because it has some redeeming qualities like antioxidants. But - when we dip our bread in olive oil, we could be sopping up a lot more fat and calories than we would with a pat of butter. Dippers tend to consume twice as much oil as they would butter, ounce for ounce.

Which social network bums us out the most?

If you’re sick and tired of seeing happy Facebook friends on vacation, don’t check Instagram. 

Social media magazine Slate has dubbed it the most depressing network out there. In their survey, users ranked Instagram as the best place to check if you’d like to feel jealous or just plain disgusted. Those who checked Instagram rated their levels of envy, resentment and even anger higher after the fact.

Facebook is still the place to be for those who would rather feel isolated or left out. Another recent study found that one in three people feel worse after checking that site and that their general dissatisfaction with life had increased. Those who check Facebook without contributing were the saddest of the bunch.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Why does birthday cake taste better than just plain cake?

Singing Happy Birthday before you eat some cake actually makes it taste better. 

That’s according to some new research from the University of Minnesota. That Happy Birthday ritual triggers what psychologists call our “intrinsic interest,” which heightens our feel-good senses, including taste and smell. 

The same intrinsic interest trick can work with saying grace or a prayer before taking that first bite of a meal or by proposing a toast before savoring that first sip of something.

Our gadgets are taking a toll on our faces. The ugly facts...

If you spend a lot of time on a smartphone or tablet - it’s going to show on your face. 

According to cosmetic dermatologist, Dr Sam Bunting, looking down at a phone or tablet or extended periods of time on a regular basis can change the definition of your jaw line. All that leaning forward causes increases gravity and can cause the skin to sag, especially in the lower third or jowl area of the face. 

That bent over device posture also puts undue pressure on the tender nerves that go from the top of the spine to your head. That can leave you with a headache or feeling tired, achy or stiff.

You have some messages on Facebook you probably missed.

Have you checked your OTHER messages on Facebook lately? 

Most people don’t even know they’re there. Your Facebook messages are now categorized - and some of them go straight into the “other” folder without notifying you. The “other” folder was set up by Facebook in an attempt to catch spam and junk messages. Unfortunately, the system isn’t perfect and there’s a good chance that some non-junk could bypass your regular inbox and go straight to “other.”

To check your “other” folder on Facebook, click on “messages”. In the upper left hand corner of that box you will see “inbox” and a lighter font “other”. Now, go ahead and click on that and see all the messages you’ve been missing. 

What more could we possibly want to know about the new prince? One more thing...

If you just can’t get enough information about the new baby prince, here’s something you might not know yet. 

The infant prince is related to Dracula. Don’t take our word for it. Prince Charles himself says that genealogy clearly shows that he’s a descendent to Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula, the dark and bloodthirsty 15th century ruler of the Wallachian Kingdom. Prince Charles is the great grandson, 16 times removed, to Vlad Tepes - which makes the baby prince number 18.

The royals have Queen Mary, consort of George V - Charles’ great grandfather, to thank for the family tree. She was the first royal link to Vlad.

A nap can actually make you smarter!

You can get smarter in just ten minutes - by taking a midday nap. 

Just be sure it’s exactly ten minutes. A new study from City University in New York found that a participants who took a ten minute nap woke up with better recall, sharper memories and enhanced thinking skills. The study also determined that a 20 minute nap could help, but you’ll need another ten minutes to recover, post-nap.

Don’t even consider a nap more than 45 minutes. These will enter you into a deep sleep, leaving you feeling worse and at a mental disadvantage after waking up.

If you’re tempted to go for that early phone upgrade, you’re going to pay more than you think.

Several wireless providers are offering early upgrade programs now - but upgrader beware! 

As tempting as that may sound, it WILL cost you. Most of these programs actually charge you a fee per month which could add up to more than the full retail price of a brand new phone of your choice. In some cases, that extra charge won’t show up on your bill until you take advantage of the upgrade. It’s important to keep in mind that when you do decide to upgrade early, your contract is starting over before it even ended.

Is it time to quit your job? Let’s find out.

Good jobs are hard to come by - and crummy jobs are hard to quit. 

The experts at Business News Daily has five really good reasons to leave:

* Damaged reputation: Whether you’ve missed a lot of days, lost a big client or screwed up one too many times, it’s hard to get your professional reputation back. A fresh start may be in order.

* Sinking ship: While loyalty is admirable, don’t hang in there at the expense of your own career. Start looking for other options before it’s all over.

* You’re not challenged or learning: This can stall your personal growth and your career. Consider moving on to something more stimulating.

* Out of the loop: Too many closed-door meetings can be a big red flag. You’re either not considered part of the team or could soon be the victim of changes. Ask to be included or start looking for a job that values your input.

* Makes you sick: Frequent ailments, headaches, backaches or sleepless nights could indicate your job might be making you sick. Your health should always come first and it’s probably time to call it quits.

Do you buy brown or white eggs. Why you should buy both...

Eggs last longer than you might think. 

If you take your eggs out of the carton and put them into your refrigerator bin, it may be hard to keep track of their freshness. Consider alternating between white and brown eggs each time you buy them. That makes it easier to remember which ones to use first.

Typically, refrigerated eggs will last about 3 weeks AFTER the sell-by date on the carton. If you’re not sure, put the egg in a bowl of water. If it sinks, it’s still fresh. If it sinks but stands on end, it’s okay - but use it soon. If it floats, toss it out.

Please don’t flush the Charmin, wipes.

You know those flushable wipes? Well it turns out they’re not so flushable after all. 

According to Cynthia Finley of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, consumers are being told by the packaging that these things are flushable and it’s a problem. City sewer workers agree. Those disposable wipes may go down fine on your end but they don’t break down like traditional toilet paper and are clogging up the pipes down the line. It can cost the public system loads of money to vacuum out those blockages and dispose of the wipes, all over again.

Do you really have to wait 10 whole seconds when rebooting your device?

We’re supposed to wait a grueling 10 seconds when rebooting a router or device. Is it really necessary? 

Yes. Tech experts explain it’s all about capacitors. They are small batteries that live in your device and they fill with energy while the power is on. After unplugging or powering down your router, computer or device, you need to wait at least 10 seconds for that capacitor to fully discharge. Larger capacitors could take as long as 30 seconds to fully discharge, so your best bet is to follow the instructions provided with the equipment or by your IT support.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most bullied of them all?

Are you unattractive? Of course not. But, if you were, you’d be more likely to be bullied at work. 

Researchers say some coworkers aren’t much more compassionate than grade school bullies and that unattractive people are especially at risk. Their study found that grownups can be downright cruel in the workplace regarding looks and that unattractive colleagues reported being the victims of more rude behavior, including uncalled for comments or jokes about their appearance, professional exclusion and social isolation. 

Vanilla, chocolate or rocky road? What your favorite flavor of ice cream says about your personality...

It’s national ice cream month and Baskin-Robbins is celebrating with a study of your favorite flavor.

Here’s what it says about your personality:

* Chocolate: dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive and gullible

* Vanilla: impulsive, easily suggestible and an idealist

* Very Berry Strawberry: a tolerant, devoted and an introvert

* Mint Chocolate Chip: argumentative, frugal and cautious

* Rocky Road: aggressive, engaging and a good listener

* Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: ambitious, competitive and a visionary

* Pralines 'n Cream: loving, supportive and prefer to avoid the spotlight.

* Jamoca: scrupulous, conscientious and a moral perfectionist

* Chocolate Chip: generous, competent and a go getter

* Rainbow Sherbet: analytic, decisive and a pessimistic

Share your breakfast - with your garden!

Don’t toss those eggshells into the trash - toss them into your garden.

Crushed eggshells deter slugs, cutworms and other crawling critters that are munching away at your plants. They HATE crawling over those sharp edges and will turn around and head for softer pastures. Eggshells also break down and infuse the soil with some grow-friendly nutrients.

While you’re at it, toss your banana peels in there too. Aphids hate bananas. Chop them up and bury them under the soil a bit so you don’t attract rodents. Your garden’s breakfast will be complete with some coffee grounds. They help to balance acidity in the soil, especially around azaleas and hydrangeas.

Want to lose weight? Lose the smartphone. How they make us fat...

There’s could be something fattening in your hand - a fatphone!

A recent study is suggesting that smartphones are making us fat by encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. It looked at college students and discovered they spend an average of five hours per day on their phones, surfing, playing games or texting and those at the high end of that scale were less fit than those who kept their usage in check. 

A lot of mobile usage actually forces us to slow down or even stop moving altogether and that phone time can take a significant chunk out of daily, routine activity. Even just stopping to take pictures of something funny or beautiful stops us dead in our tracks, not to mention a few more inactive minutes editing and uploading that shot and then checking for likes and comments.

Pull up your resume. Now delete these words.

There’s a new list of words to take OFF of your resume...

The University of Michigan Career Center analyzed some verbs that hiring managers like - and some they don’t. Here are a few that turn them off:

* Try
* Love
* Seasoned
* Experienced
* Creative
* Innovate

Those words are considered either weak or overused. You’re better off working some of these action words into your accomplishments:

* Advised
* Compiled
* Critiqued
* Coached
* Designed
* Directed
* Established
* Generated
* Illustrated
* Negotiated
* Resolved
* Upgraded

Thursday, July 18, 2013

If you see a groovy poster at a yard sale - buy it! What it could be worth...

There might some real treasure buried in those yard sales...

Collectible expert Terry Kovel has potentially valuable items to keep digging for:

* Psychedelic posters: Super colorful graphics, specific concert dates and pinholes in the corners suggest it’s the real deal. A lack of pinholes, or other signs of age and use, could mean that the poster is a reproduction. Example: A Peter Max poster from 1968 called “Love” sells for $316.

* Odd looking printed handkerchiefs: They were popular in the 70’s and often feature vibrant colors and patterns or a character of some sort printed on fine linen or cotton. Keep your eye out for 70’s style silk scarves - they may be worth hundreds of dollars.

* Fisher-Price toys: The older, wooden toys by Fisher-Price are valuable if they’re in good condition. Little People from the 1980s or before can be worth $2 each for plastic and $5 or more if they’re wooden.

Dogs get heat stroke too. How to spot it...

If you’ve got a dog it’s important to know they’re especially in the height of summer heat...

Some breeds are more at risk than others, especially those with short snouts or noses like bulldogs and pugs. Overweight dogs and dogs with thick coats are also considered high-risk. Here are some tips from the American Red Cross to protect your pooch in the dog days of summer:
  • Never leave them in the car on a hot day. It can be deadly — even for a few minutes.
  • Skip the play time and long walks during the hottest time of the day. 
  • Know the signs of heat stroke, including heavy panting, brick red gums or tongue, rapid pulse, staggering, seizures, bloody diarrhea or vomiting, and an inability to calm down, even when lying down. 
If you suspect your pet has heat stroke, get them out of the direct heat and cool the animal using a water hose or by applying wet towels to the paws and neck. Avoid using ice water, which can constrict blood vessels and impede cooling, but do offer your pet ice cubes to lick. Get to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Uh-oh - fender bender. Should you call your insurance company?

You might not want to walk away from that fender bender without filing a claim...

When two vehicles are involved and the damage is minor, it’s tempting to skip the hassle and work it out between the two drivers. However, Consumer Reports says those private arrangements rarely work out. Seemingly minor damage to a bumper could cost $5,000 or more to repair - much more than most people expect.

The only time you shouldn't report an accident is a low-speed, single-car mishap close to home such as backing into your own fence or garage. If there are no injuries and the damage is below or close to your deductible, you might as well skip the report.

College bound? You’ll need extra long twin sheets. Which ones NOT to buy...

The stores are filling up with back to school stuff for the dorm room and those extra long twin sheets are at the top of most college-bound lists...

  • You’ll have lots of choices and some are much better than others:
  • Skip the microfiber sheets. They may feel good at first but they don’t breathe and you’ll likely wind up hot and sweaty in your new bunk.
  • Jersey sheets are really popular and feel like a cozy t-shirt - but save those for the toga party. They’re guaranteed to stretch out of shape in just a few washings.
  • Cotton-polyester blends are fine but the best sheets are 100% cotton. They’ll keep you cool through that first late-summer semester and might even last through graduation.

The next time you need customer service, consider social media...

If you’re not getting results from a company’s customer service line, find them on social media...

According to Dr. Natalie Petouhoff, author of “Like My Stuff,” customers can often get better and faster results through social media than with a customer service representative on the phone. She says complaints or concerns filed by phone are often only heard by one person, the representative you’re speaking with. Companies with a social media presence are typically much more concerned with public perception. There’s a good chance they’ll notice if you tag them on Twitter or Facebook, state your problem and ask for help. 

Skip the angry rant, just like customer service calls, they’re much more likely to hear you out and fix the problem if mind your social media manners and behave like a good customer they’d like to keep - or at least have a sense of humor.

Here are a few classics from the king of customer service, Richard Branson: 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Will your medical insurance cover a second opinion?

Getting a second opinion to a medical diagnosis or treatment is not only your right - it’s your responsibility...

Too many people waive that right, fearing they’ll insult their doctor or have to pay full price. In most cases, your medical insurance will cover a portion of a second opinion. Call your insurance provider to find out what they might need or what the second opinion guidelines are. In some cases, you’ll need a referral from your first opinion doctor.

As far as hurting your doctors feelings by going elsewhere, you won’t. Many doctors actually welcome a second opinion, especially when surgery or long-term treatment is involved.