Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Are you tempted to dress down for work today?
Your coworkers might find that annoying. CareerBuilder.com tells us what your colleagues really think of your bad habits:

• Dressing unprofessionally: What you think: "I'm the office free spirit with a quirky sense of style!" What it really says: You don't take the job seriously.

• Missing deadlines. What you think: "Close enough, no big deal." What it really says: Even if you barely missed the deadline and everything turned out OK, you’re causing everyone else anxiety and extra work, which they won't forget.

• Not being punctual. What you think: "As long as I get all my work done." What it really says: You think your time is more important than everybody else's. Everyone in your office would like to sleep in a little or leave early, but they don't.

• Checking your e-mail, playing games, shopping. What you think: "I'm discreet." What it really says: You're not doing your job. You're being paid to work, not play.

• Gossiping. What you think: "I'm just saying what I heard." What it really says: You can't be trusted. Your chattering could end up hurting somebody's feelings or reputation.

• Being negative. What you think: "Everybody complains." What it really says: You're the person to avoid. If you’re so miserable, why don’t you just quit?

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