Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Planning to lose weight in 2013? Simple tricks to help you out...

Losing weight is the number one resolution...

but strict diets are hard to stick to. Registered dietitian Julie Upton has 10 painless steps to lose 10 pounds this year: 

• Take three bites less of everything. This will typically shave off 100 calories.

• Go ahead and order the pizza, but cut out the cheese and meat toppings and choose extra sauce and veggies instead.

• Watch less television. Previous research has shown that people who watch more than two hours of TV a day tend to be overweight.

• Instead of oil or butter, use nonstick sprays and pans.

• When you go to parties, do this simple trick: Don't look at the buffet table. What you don't see won't tempt you.

• When you're making homemade goodies, cut the sugar in the recipe by one-third. You'll never even notice the difference.

• Hungry? Eat fruit instead of candy. Do this once a day and you'll save a whopping 100 calories.

• Thirsty? Drink from a tall, thin glass instead of a short, squat one. It will seem like you're drinking more.

• When possible, stand instead of sitting. Fifty minutes of standing actually burns up 100 calories!

• Cut your portion size the easy way: Use smaller plates and bowls.

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