Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Do you have weird or recurring dreams? What that means...

If you’ve been suffering from weird or recurring dreams lately - chances are you’re really stressed out...
Lauri Quinn Lowenberg, author of “Dream On It,” says the stress we deal with during the day tends to follow us to bed at night and play out in our dreams. The five most common stress dreams are:

• Missing a train or bus

• Losing your car

• A tidal wave

• Can’t find your class or locker at school

• Your house is on fire

If you want you dreams to stop, you’ll need to keep a dream diary. Determining which stresses in your waking life are triggering the dreams can help to close that door at night. You’ll have to take some steps to manage or eliminate that stress to prevent that dream or or a new one from sneaking back in. 

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