Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It turns out money CAN buy some happiness – if you buy the right stuff...

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness probably had food and shelter... 

A recent study determined that emotional well-being does rise with income, to a point. $75,000 annually was the average happiness mark. Beyond that, when the money increased, the happiness did not. If you do have some extra cash to spare – here are some good investments to increase the odds of feeling happy about it:

• Buy experiences instead of things. Things get old, wear out and are difficult to share. Good experiences will last a lifetime.

• Help others instead of yourself. People who spent money on a good deed or on someone in need felt significantly happier than those who did not.

Take your time while buying your happiness. Immediate gratification can take a lot of the pleasure out of a purchase. It eliminates the anticipation which is a strong source of happiness. You’ll savor the buy a lot more if you work for it or wait long enough to eliminate any doubt or guilt.

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