Monday, October 17, 2011

Are you tired and hungry all the time?

If you get enough sleep – but still feel tired or hungry all the time – you might be malnourished...

Our bodies depend on food for energy - and if we don’t eat the right stuff, malnutrition can kick in. Most of us associate malnutrition with someone very thin – but it can actually make you fat. Heavily processed and refined foods like ready-made meals, fast food, candy, white bread and potato chips can leave your body literally starving for healthy nutrients.

Eating refined foods is like putting newspaper in a fire. Your body burns it up fast and furious – but those flames are short lived and you’ll need more fuel soon to keep going.
Whole foods take much longer to digest and give your body a chance to absorb the nutrients you’ll need for the rest of the day. Make a point of eating food that comes from the ground, a tree or animal, requires some preparation like washing, slicing or cooking - and avoid stuff with a long list of ingredients.

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