Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The next time you decide on a restaurant – pick one with tablecloths. Why it makes a difference...

Can’t decide where to eat? Find a restaurant with tablecloths and maybe some candles...

Brian Wansink, author of “Mindless Eating,” says we’ll eat less and enjoy it more in that atmosphere. In his experiment, he redecorated half of a casual chain restaurant with tablecloths, low lighting, plants, paintings and soft, instrumental music. He left the other half as-is, with bright lights and colors, hard surfaces and loud music. The people in the “fine dining” section took longer to eat, consumed fewer calories and rated the exact same food as more enjoyable. 

You don’t have to break the bank for a fine dining experience. You’ll get the same benefits in small cafés with low lighting and pastel colors. If you’re limited to fast food, opt for the one with more earth tones and a quieter atmosphere. 

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