Thursday, October 18, 2012

If you’ve heard that taking multi-vitamins may prevent cancer – there’s more to that story...

Multivitamins have been getting a lot of credit lately...

A recent study suggests that taking multivitamins may help prevent cancer. Before you start swallowing them, there’s more to the story. The participants in the study were male physicians, age 50 or older – a very small sampling of a specific group. While there was an 8% reduction in cancer risk for the group, other larger clinical trials have had mixed results and have even suggested that multi-vitamins could increase other health risks. 

Experts still recommend that we get our nutrients from foods whenever possible. If you do need supplements, it’s a good idea to have your doctor help determine which ones you need, rather than defaulting to a multivitamin that could have some elements you don’t need.

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