Monday, August 19, 2013

No two people taste the same. A super-taster test to take...

Our sense of taste isn’t all in our tongue.
Our brains, our noses and even our guts get in on the act. A keen or weak sense of taste can even influence what we eat and how much weight we gain. To test your tasting skill, Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has developed a test to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll need to put a tiny sample of saccharin on the very tip of your tongue for the test:

* If it tastes sweet, you’re an under-taster. You probably crave a lot of fatty and salty foods.

* If it tastes sweet AND bitter, you’re an average taster. All you really need to worry about is your portion control.

* If it just tastes bitter, you’re considered a super-taster. You’re super-sensitive and may not like the taste of many fruits and vegetables. You’re also probably thin and need to take your vitamins.

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