Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lyme disease is on the rise. Symptoms and prevention...

Alarming news from the CDC: Their latests reports suggest Lyme disease affects 10 times more people than previously reported. 

Knowing whether or not you have Lyme disease or another tick-borne illness can be tricky. Typically, symptoms include a fever and chills, aches and pains, joint pain and maybe a rash. Unfortunately, symptoms vary which can make it difficult to know for sure. If you’ve been bitten by a tick and suspect you might have Lyme disease, pay close attention and record any possible symptoms. See your doctor immediately and request a test. Here are the CDC tips for avoiding ticks:

* Stay on the path. Avoid wooded or bushy areas, high grass and leaves.

* Wear protective clothing and use DEET repellent.

* Give yourself a full-body check and don’t forget to check your pets and gear as well.

* Shower or bathe once you’re inside.

* Toss any clothing you were wearing in the dryer on high for an hour to kill any remaining ticks.

Once summer is over, you’re not out of the woods. Ticks live well into the early winter months in most areas.

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