Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Are you a night owl - or a morning glory? How that has a BIG effect on your personality.

If you wake up at the crack of dawn, bright eyed and bushy tailed, you’re probably not much fun at night. 

A recent study looked at personality types of early risers and night owls and the personality differences were like night and day:

* Early risers build sleep pressure throughout the day and tire much faster than night owls.

* Morning people can’t wait to eat breakfast, usually within a half hour of waking up. Night owls already had their breakfast - at midnight and couldn’t be bothered once the sun is up.

* Night owls are more likely to demonstrate dark personality traits including narcissism and deceitfulness. They’re also more likely to scheme and steal sexual partners from others, especially morning people who are already asleep. 

* Not surprisingly, night owls tend to accumulate more sexual partners than the early-to-bed types. However, early risers tend to be more fertile.

* Morning people may be more prone to certain types of cancer due to more exposure to light and a lack of melatonin. But night owls are more likely to be sleep deprived, snore and put their health at risk in other ways.

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