Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monday is April Fool’s Day. What your coworkers might try to pull on you...

Enter the office with caution on Monday...
April Fool’s Day is almost here and some people just can’t resist a good prank. Here are some popular office antics to be on the lookout for, or pull off yourself:

* Paperclip in the copier? Make several photocopies of a paper clip and put them in the paper tray. Watch your coworkers go nuts looking for a paperclip stuck in the copier.

* Surprise! Place several copies of a “surprise” image throughout the paper tray for 9 to 5 entertainment.

* What the.... Swipe the tip of every pen and pencil on the desk with clear nail polish.

* Just missed it. Dial your coworker’s extension every time they walk away from their desk. Then hang up as they answer.

* Wrong number! Switch two of your coworkers’ phone plugs.

* Have a seat. Pulling a chair out from underneath someone is dangerous and mean spirited. But re-adjusting the height can be hilarious.

* Can you hear me now? Clear tape over the holes in the phone mouthpiece is a classic.

* Annoying, yet fun. Disconnect your victim’s keyboard or mouse.

* Possessed computer. Insert a wireless mouse USB in your coworker’s computer and take control from a few feet away.

* Humor your boss. Have everyone in your office request the same day off, one at a time. 

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