Thursday, March 28, 2013

If you’d like to improve your life - slow down!

How would you like to be richer, thinner and a better parent?

Carol Mithers, author of “Life As We Know It,” says “slow down!” Most of us are moving way too fast and it’s taking a toll on our quality of life. Here are her slo-mo suggestions:

* Slow Spending: Stop and ask yourself if you REALLY need that. Eliminating impulse buys will not only simplify your life but will save you money.

* Slow Weight Loss: When we lose weight slowly, at the rate of one or two pounds a week, we’re far more likely to keep it off long term.

* Slow Parenting: Over-scheduling and rushing to activities and appointments isn’t doing either of you any favors. While you’re scheduling, don’t forget to make an appointment for nothing important.

* Slow Hobbies: Hands-on crafts and hobbies such as knitting, cross-stitching or painting can really help you slow down and can be very therapeutic.

* Slow Conversation: Take it offline and enjoy some face to face communication. Real conversations take more time and are naturally punctuated with laughter, interruptions and even silence. Those elements are what create a bond and are the foundation of healthy relationships and a happier life.

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