Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ready or not – the new lightbulbs are here...

Like it or not, the transition away from incandescent lightbulbs is about to begin...

David Brooks, owner of Just Bulbs in New York City, has some basic bulb information we’ll need to get used to. Most 100-watt incandescent bulbs will be eliminated starting January 1, 2012. The 75-watt incandescents will follow in 2013 and then the 60 and 40-watters in 2014.

Here’s some more bad news: If you’ve got dimmer switches in your house, you’ll probably need to switch those too. There are specialty CFL bulbs that work with dimmer switches – but only if you SWITCH your dimmer switches with switches designed to work with CFL or LED bulbs. These specialty switches sell for about $20 to $30 in home improvement stores. Keep in mind dimmable CFL bulbs will be more expensive than non-dimmables – so you might want to replace some of those dimmer switches with standard on/off switches.


  1. Have been using cfls for several years, don't like em. The new LEDs work with the existing dimmers in our house (leviton) so haven't needed to upgrade them. The light is bright somewhat harsh in how white it is, but better than the very pink cfl glow. LEDS work better in the cool basement as they come on at full brightness, whereas the CFLs often took 5+ minutes to get to an acceptable brightness when starting at about 50 degrees temperature. The LEDs available at Home Depot in the 75 and 90 watt equivalent are what i'm using, expensive but I like them so far (3 months)

  2. Oh, another reason not to like the cfls, high mercury content, an issue if they break and for disposal...


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