Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spoiler Alert...

Now that we’re officially into 2013 - there are some 2012 phrases that should be left in the past. What NOT to say this year...

It’s time for the 38th annual Lake Superior State University’s List of Words to be Banished from the Queen’s English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness. Released on New Year’s Eve, here are the phrases we need to let go of:

• Fiscal Cliff: This phrase received the most nominations this year as people are just plain sick and tired of hearing about it.

• Kick the Can Down the Road: This was seized upon during the current administration and is used as a cliche by all parties. It’s time to kick that one to the curb.

• Double Down: Used as a verb in place of “repeat,” this phrase is just plain annoying - unless you’re actually playing Blackjack.

• Job Creation: Not only does it falsely imply supernatural powers, most of these newly created jobs don’t pay well and won’t last. Those still looking for work especially dislike this one.

• Spoiler Alert: Used as an obnoxious way to show one has trivial information and is about to use it, no matter what.

• YOLO: It may have taken you most of 2012 to figure out that it means “You Only Live Once” - but use it in 2013 and YOSO: You’ll only sound outdated.

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