Monday, January 14, 2013

If you’d like to determine if someone is lying - I’ll tell you what to watch for...

There are lots of cues that can suggest someone is lying - and a lot of them have nothing to do with what they’re saying...

Even a good liar can give themselves up with some very telling nonverbal signs. Former CIA officer Michael Floyd has a few to look for:

• Hiding the mouth or eyes with a hand: This is a subconscious attempt to physically cover the lie. 

• Hand-to-face activity. Lying can trigger the brain’s fight-or-flight response, leaving the liars face feeling itchy or cold. Watch for lip licking, ear pulling, nose scratching and hair touching.

• Nervous movements. When you ask a question, watch the liar’s hands, feet and legs for twitching or fidgeting.

Some verbal cues can be quite telling too. Listen for convincing statements such as “I’m an honest person,” or “I would NEVER...” Liars often hope religion can help them out of a jam by using phrases such as “I swear on a stack of Bibles,” or “As God is my witness...”

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