Monday, January 14, 2013

There’s something you can do in the shower that could change your whole day...

Don’t just shower in the morning - have some hydrotherapy...

It only takes about a minute and it can help to jumpstart your body and your brain. All you need to do is turn that water from hot to cold. Sounds awful - but it’s just for 10 seconds. Turn the tap to hot again, enjoy that for another 10 seconds, then back to cold. Repeat the hot/cold process about five times and your hydrotherapy session is complete.

Hot water opens up the blood vessels for a surge of circulation. The cold water constricts them and slows the flow down. By switching from hot to cold you’re sending extra oxygen to the brain which can help to alleviate that morning fog. Hot/cold hydrotherapy helps to get the rest of your body in gear too and can jumpstart your immune system by stimulating your lymph tissue.

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