Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is it really bad to fall asleep with the TV on?

A lot of sleep experts tell us NOT to fall asleep watching TV...

So is it really that bad for us? According to Sam J. Sugar, director of sleep services at the Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa in Doral, Florida, falling asleep with the TV on is not the worst thing you can do - leaving it on all night is. She says if you really need the TV to fall asleep, it’s worth your while to set the timer to turn it off in about a half hour. The light from the TV while you’re asleep WILL interfere with your brain’s production of melatonin and disrupt that all important deep sleep. 

So what about that blue light from the alarm clock? Experts still say that will also interfere with a good night’s sleep. Either turn it away from you or replace it with a red light version.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with this because I cannot fall asleep without the TV on. The TV gets my mind off things that would otherwise keep me up all night. The problem with this is I would later be awakened by the noise from the TV and can’t fall back asleep. Most televisions have a sleep function but it is hidden under multiple menus and is far too cumbersome to set when you need it. I came up with this device TV Snoozer. It will automatically turn the TV off after you fall asleep. Check it out at http://www.tvsnoozer.com.


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