Monday, December 10, 2012

There are some common catch phrases out there that make us sound really stupid. What not to say...

It is what it is. Chances are you’ll hear that catch phrase at some point today...

According to T. R. Slyder, contributor to the “Urban Dictionary,” That’s a popular catch phrase that makes us sound stupid. He suggests you either say WHAT it is, or don’t say anything at all. Here are some other lame phrases from T.R. and his suggested smarter substitutes:

• "I don't give a rats…" Instead, substitute with a good old-fashioned “I don't care,” or just stare in stony silence.

• "I could care less." You probably meant to say “I could NOT care less.”

• “How good was that steak?" Resist the urge of phrasing your statement in a pointless question. Consider “That steak was good!” or “did you like the steak?”

• "That is really unique." Unique means one of a kind. There are no degrees of it. If you’re using unique, leave it alone.

• "The dog wants out." If including the words “to go” is too hard, you’re on your own.

• "I am NOT a happy camper." Avoid this one unless you’re at camp and not happy. Try saying what you are instead of what you’re not.

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