Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Are you friends with your kid on Facebook? What parents are posting...

We’re not supposed to be friends with our kids – but a lot of us break that rule when it comes to Facebook...

Kids are most likely to friend their parents between the ages of 13 and 17. After that, those requests dramatically drop until the child hits their late 20s. Not surprisingly, young adult children start to have more in common with their parents and seek their friendship and advice more often, peaking at age 40. So what do the parents have to say? Facebook has the most popular words and phrases posted by parents:

Dear daughter: ha ha ha, my baby girl, wonderful daughter, Daddy loves you, my princess, love Dad.

Dear daughter: Hi, come home, gorgeous, aww, my baby, beautiful, favorite daughter, love Mom.

Dear Son: Dude, last night, buddy, the game, money, huh? Beer, call me, man, love Dad.

Dear Son: Be careful, don’t forget, years ago today, my little boy, call your mother, love Mom.

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