Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Who should pick up the tab on a date - the man or the woman?


Call them old fashioned - but some guys still pay for the date.
A recent survey found that while younger men still typically pick up the tab at first, that chivalry fades fast. 25% of couples wind up splitting the cost a month into the relationship. Another 25% are going dutch by the third month, with the third quarter sharing the burden by six months. The last 25% of gentlemen were still footing the bill after the six month mark. Here are some other findings in the study:

•44% of men said they would stop dating a woman who never pays.

• 64% of men believed women should contribute to dating expenses.

• 57% of women said they offer to pay but 39% admitted they hoped the man wouldn't accept.

• 76% of men said they felt guilty about accepting women's money.

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