Monday, August 12, 2013

Our gadgets are more dangerous than we think. Mobile mishaps...

Are you worried that your cell phone could explode? 

While the odds are REALLY slim, our gadgets should come with some “rare but possible” warnings:

* Cell strike: If there’s lightning in the area, don’t talk on your cell phone. holding a metallic object against the skin could result in serious internal injury if lightning strikes.

* Playstation rash: It’s another rare one but continuous play could lead to painful lesions on the palm of the hand.

* Screen seizures: Some people have a form of photosensitive epilepsy and flickering screen images could set them off.

* Blackberry thumb: That’s not so rare and it’s been around for a while. Repeated texting can damage the muscles and tendons in the thumb.

* iPad hand: Similar to Blackberry thumb, repeated sweeping can result in carpal tunnel syndrome or ganglion cysts in the wrist.

* Death by charge: Knock-off chargers pose a risk. Death would be rare but electric shock is possible.

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