Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just about every interview will have its “gotcha” questions – but what about the standard ones?

Once you’ve figured out which superhero you are or which dead president you like to dine with – be sure you’re prepared to answer the more standard interview questions...  

Some applicants are so worried about the “gotcha” questions that they forget to prepare for the obvious. Monster.com has some advice on how to handle some of them:

1. What is your biggest weakness? Turn this negative question around so your confessed weakness can be perceived as strength. No matter what question you’re asked, make sure the interview stays focused on your strengths -- and not your weaknesses. 

2. What salary do you think you deserve? Never state a number. Always let the employer be the first to offer a salary range. Once you have that information, if you are asked for a salary expectation, give a number that is higher than the median of the range. 

3. Why should I hire you? Cite three or four examples from your resume that make you look outstanding. They should show that you are a hard worker and will apply past accomplishments to the new position.

4. What didn't you like about your last job? This is a question aimed at discerning weaknesses, so don't fall for it. Instead of complaining, say you left because your responsibilities were not enough of a challenge.

5. Where do you see yourself in three to five years? The worst answer? You have no clue. Consider something like “Professionally, I see myself having made a positive impact on this company.” Be sure to adjust your ambitions to fit the future potential of the position.

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