Tuesday, March 25, 2014

You have two nostrils – so use them.

Chances are, you’re only using one nostril. 

For most of us, the nasal cycle is automatic, and switches between the two every few hours. Some experts say it’s why we roll over in our sleep, when it’s time to give the other nostril a turn. You can override that auto nostril cycle and actually put them to good use. Each nostril has a slightly different effect on the brain. Breathing through the right nostril taps into the left, creative side of the brain while the left nostril activates logical thinking.

Because most of us have a dominant nostril that handles the heavy breathing, it’s a good idea to force the other one into action every once in a while. We use more oxygen and raise the blood sugar when breathing through the right nostril and alternating them can help balance the metabolism. 

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