Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When it comes to your boss and coworkers, do they like you? Do they really like you?

How would you rate yourself on a likability scale? 

Professional likability can go a long way and people who are liked by their boss and coworkers are more likely to get raises and promotions. Professional likability traits are hard to fake. They include being trustworthy, agreeable, caring and friendly. While you might not list those on your resume, you’ll need to convey those qualities to your peers and to higher ups. 

An effective way of gauging your own likability is with video. Record yourself having a conversation with the camera for a few minutes. When you’re done, watch it back – but turn down the sound. Do you appear interesting, warm and likable? Most of us can find something in our own body language we might choose to stop doing – or do more of. After that, listen to it without watching. Do you sound monotone, boring or insincere? You'll want to work on that to be more likable. 

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