Thursday, March 20, 2014

Could you spot a good liar?

Bad liars are easy to spot. 

They generally fidget, avoid eye contact or just can’t keep their story straight. A good liar, however, can be a much harder nut to crack. Certified fraud examiner Pamela Meyer has some dead giveaways they often slip up on:

• They smile. A good liar often subconsciously displays a subtle grin during or right after the lie. It’s a reflex they can’t control if they think they just got away with something.

• They swear on a stack of bibles – or their mother’s grave. A good liar has no problem pulling out all the sacred stops to get away with a whopper.

• They repeat your question. If you throw them a curve, a good liar may need to stall for time. Repeating the last thing they heard gives them a moment to gather their dishonest thoughts.

Unlike bad liars, good liars often maintain a little too much eye contact. They also tend to freeze their upper body, as they concentrate on the details of their deception.

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