Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If you're tempted to say "That's not my job," don't.

Most of us think that from time to time...

...but according to career experts – it’s one of the worst things you can say out loud. If it’s really not your job – here are a few suggested alternate responses that might help:

• Be candid. Try explaining why you would not be the right person for the task.

• Offer an alternative. Go ahead and ask if there is another task you could take on instead. That lets your boss know you’re willing to help, within your means.

• Redirect the task instead of just saying “no.” That way, the task still gets done, and you helped.

• Think before you write. If the request is in e-mail form, and your knee-jerk reaction is to reply with a “no way!” take a breather - and some time to formulate your answer carefully. You want to be sure anything in writing reflects that you’re cooperative and prepared to work on solutions.

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