Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Got Buttermilk?

Got buttermilk?

If not, you might want to stock up – it’s really good for you. Buttermilk is what’s left over after the cream is removed from milk to make butter. It’s easier to digest than regular milk, full of probiotics and has less fat than whole milk. Buttermilk also has less lactose and sugar than milk does – so some people can actually tolerate it a lot better. Buttermilk has B12, potassium, protein and calcium. If you’re still not convinced – drinking buttermilk every day can actually help reduce sweating, tiredness and headaches over time.

If you don’t like the bitter taste of buttermilk – try washing your face with it instead. Brigitte Mars, author of “Beauty by Nature,” says buttermilk is a natural humectant and has alpha-hydroxy acid in there that stimulate new cell growth and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Apply some to your skin, let it sit there for about 5 minutes, then, rinse it off with warm water.

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