Sunday, August 21, 2011

Look and feel better - with facial yoga!

If you’re not quite ready for prime-time yoga – you could start with your face...

Yoga is great for our bodies – but if the Downward-Facing Dog, Lotus or Upside-Down Tortoise positions are a bit of a stretch for you, you could start with just your face. Facial yoga relieves tension, increases blood circulation and tones things up a bit – and anyone can do it. Here are a few simple stretches:

• The Sphinx Smile: Smile, lifting the corners of your mouth up and across while keeping the eyes neutral, then repeat three or four times.

• The Satchmo: Keep your cheeks firm with this one by puffing them both up with air – and then transfer the air from cheek to cheek until you’re out of breath. Then repeat.

• The Smiling Fish Face: Smile first, then suck those cheeks in to make a fish face. Hold each position for a few seconds - then repeat 5 times.

• The Puppet Face: Smile again - then press your fingertips into the crease between the nose and mouth. Flex those facial muscles while applying some resistance with your fingers.

• The Joker: It’s similar to the Puppet Face. Place the three middle fingers of each hand below each eyebrow. Push your eyebrows up with your fingers - then try to lower them against the resistance of your fingers. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat.

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