Monday, February 3, 2014

That dog’s tail is trying to tell you something. How to read the wag...

The next time you’re interacting with a dog, pay close attention to it’s tail. 

Tail wagging is a primary source of canine communication and it goes well beyond happy or scared. Here are some wags to watch for:

● A slight wag-with each swing is generally a “Hello” or an “I’m here” remiinder. 

● A broad wag is friendly. That dog is trying to say “I’m really happy to see you.”

● A slow wag with tail at half-mast is less social than other tail signals. That dog may be feeling a bit tentative or insecure. 

● Tiny, high-speed wags signal that the dog is about to do something such as run, jump or fight. If that tail is twitching up high, it’s usually a wagging threat.

Dogs tend to wag their tails to the right when they see their owners. When they encounter an unfamiliar person or dog that could pose a threat, you’ll probably notice their wag shift to the left.

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