Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oh when those ants come marching in – try this...

If the neighborhood ants have started the spring invasion into your house...

...there are a few non-toxic household weapons that can encourage them to withdraw the troops. Scented baby powder can work wonders: It throws the scouts off. Sprinkle it around problem spots like the sugar bowl, cookie jar or pet bowls. Black pepper, cinnamon and mint can work too – but if you have pets, they might lick that up.

Household weapon of mass destruction: Cornmeal. If you can determine where the ants are coming from – and locate the colony, sprinkle the cornmeal all over it. They will eat it – but they can’t digest it and they will quickly die. If you’d like to take a more humane approach, put a jar of honey in a tree near your garden or away from your house. That’s better to them than anything your house has to offer and they’ll relocate the colony to be near it.

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