Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have you written anything today? You probably should...

You don’t need to be an author to put some really powerful words in writing... 

Kathleen Adams, author of “Journal to the Self,” says your pen can help tackle lots of things, from relationships and anger to back pain and stress. Here are a few writing assignments:

• Unsent Letters: If you’re angry with someone in your life, go ahead – write them a scathing letter. Just don’t send it. Be brutally honest and express exactly how you feel. This will help you vent and deal with the situation more rationally. Read it over a few times and then tear it up.

• Dialogue with a person: This exercise can help with shyness or lack of confidence. Write an imagined conversation. Start with your part and then write what you think the other person would respond with. It will help your conversation and negotiating skills.

• Dialogue with a thing: This can actually help you brainstorm solutions from the other side. For example, if you suffer from chronic back pain, write a dialogue between you and your back. “You: What will it take to make you feel better?” “Back: You don’t get enough exercise. Building up your strength would help.”

• Listing: This technique can help with depression or if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Take a few minutes each day to list three to five pleasant experiences you had since your last entry. When we’re stressed out – we tend to not notice those things. 

It’s important to remember that you have complete control over everything you write. Reviewing, editing and changing what you’ve written can enhance the benefits

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