Wednesday, July 10, 2013

If your iPad or tablet ain't what it used to be, these tips could help...

Do you put your tablet device to sleep? 

That could be slowing you down. Here are a few tips to keep your tablet up to speed:

* Shut it off completely instead of using the sleep mode. Restarting your tablet helps dump some of the information it’s trying to hold onto.

* Quit your apps when you’re finished with them. It will require a few extra taps but it will save you time and battery in the long run.

* Find your tablet’s happy place. If you lose your Wi-Fi connection on a regular basis, you’re probably using your tablet in a drop-out zone. These are areas that weaken Wi-Fi due to other devices and appliances or building materials such as metal, brick or stone.

* Update your software. Computer geniuses are constantly coming up with new ways to improve performance. If there’s an update available, go ahead and install it.

* Let it breathe. Charging your tablet in the case can generate too much heat and damage the battery and other elements.

* Discharge monthly. It’s a good idea to let your tablet battery fully charge and discharge down to nothing about once a month. It will help to reset your device and extend the battery lifespan.

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