Sunday, June 30, 2013

Don’t waste your facial expression on a guy...

If you want to get your point across to a man, skip the eye-rolling, he won’t see it...

According to researchers from Edinburgh University, men just can’t read faces like women do. Their brain scans of men and women revealed that guys have to work a lot harder to make emotional snap-judgments. Because facial expressions are typically fleeting, you’d have to hold that look for a while for it to really sink in. Women, on the other hand, are much more likely to pick up on subtle facial cues, whether you intended it to show, or not. 

Job hunting? How social media can make or break you...

Are you socially acceptable for that job?

It’s true, most hiring managers now say they check social media when deciding to hire. Here’s what they’re looking for, according to CareerBuilder.com:

* You've got a professional image.
* You convey a good feel for your personality.
* You’re well-rounded with a wide range of interests.
* Your background information supports your professional qualifications.
* You’re creative.
* You’ve got great communication skills.
* Other people post nice things about you.

Here’s what they’re NOT looking for:

* You enjoy drinking or using drugs.
* You bad-mouthed a previous employer.
* You have poor communication skills.
* You’ve made discriminatory comments related to race, gender or religion.
* You lied about your qualifications.

We have Betsy Ross to thank for our first official American flag. How she got the gig...

Betsy Ross has quite the claim to fame, creating our nations first official flag...

So how did she land that job? Friends in high places - of course. Not that Betsy had it easy, far from it. She was disowned by the Quakers, widowed three times and had seven daughters - two of whom died in infancy. But as good luck would have it, her pew in Philadelphia’s Christ Church was next to George and Martha Washington’s pew. A self-employed seamstress, Betsy was a whiz at embroidering Washington’s iconic ruffles to his shirts and cuffs. Naturally, Washington turned to Ross for help with the first flag. According to Betsy, George showed her his rough design with a six point star, to which she suggested her faster 5-point cut. He was impressed and she got the job.

When is the last time you took a constitutional?

Taking a constitutional, or a short walk after a meal, used to be a way of life...

There is more modern evidence than ever that we should get back to basics and make that post-meal stroll part of our daily or evening routine. Walking after a meal speeds the rate of digestion and even decreases our blood sugar levels. That’s good for our cardiovascular system and can help stave off health risks such as diabetes. Those who take regular 15 minute walks after dinner each night also report a better overall sense of well-being.

If you’ve got pets - and ants - here's a trick you should try...

Are summertime ants marching all over your pet's food?

Ants love dog and cat food and WILL find it, especially if it’s on the floor. The folks at FamilyHandyMan.com have a solution for that. A pan of water under your pet’s food dish will keep the ants at bay, indoors or out. It creates a moat around the food, ants are terrible swimmers and won’t attempt to cross. Your pet food moat can also double as a scrap catcher and another water source for your kitty or pooch.

The same trick can work for people too. Fill containers like tuna cans with water and place them under the legs of your picnic or patio table to keep the ants off. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What’s on the background of your computer?

Your computer desktop at work might be saying more about you than you know...

Here’s what your background image says about your psychological profile:

* Default wallpaper: You’re the private type and not very open with people. Or, you have no idea how to change it, which speaks volumes.

* Cute animals: You’re gentle, sensitive - and a bit immature.

* Personal photos: Images of friends, family or your kids show your priority in life. If it’s a photo of yourself, you’re a bit of a narcissist.

* Trophies or awards: You have a big ego and demand respect.

* Celebrity: You’re probably outgoing but a bit on the superficial side.

While you’re changing your background photo, consider rearranging your icons too. If they are in organized rows, it suggests you’re a balanced person who works well under pressure. If they’re all over the place, that suggests you are too.

The next time you eat yogurt - use a plastic spoon....

If you’d like your yogurt to taste even more creamy and delicious, use a plastic spoon...

A recent study experimented with weight and shape of utensils and found they can really influence how they feel and taste. Where yogurt was concerned, it seemed creamier, sweeter and more dense when enjoyed from a lightweight plastic spoon. 

If you’ll be enjoying some cheese, eat it from a knife. Cheese tasters rated samples as more aged, saltier and more satisfying off a knife than from a fork, spoon or toothpick.

The next time you feel a migraine coming on - have some coffee, quick!

If you suffer from migraines, keep a pot of coffee on...

While most migraine medicine contains caffeine, new research has found that drinking an eight ounce cup of coffee the minute you feel a migraine coming on could actually be even more effective at keeping the headache at bay. Migraine pain is typically a result of dilated blood vessels pressing against nerves. Drinking a cup of coffee helps to constrict those blood vessels, relieving the pain. The coffee remedy works best if you don’t drink a lot of caffeine on a regular basis.

Does your favorite TV show come with a cocktail?

If you like the show Downton Abbey AND you like wine, you’re in luck!

A new wine is fermenting and slated to be on the shelves in time for season four in January. The Crawley family-inspired wines will be produced by Dulong Grands Vins de Bordeaux, from grapes grown from the same vines and soil as the Downton Abbey era.

Can’t wait til January? Kick back this August for the final season of Breaking Bad with a bottle of Heisenberg’s Dark beer. Albuquerque-based Marble Brewery created the black ale in honor of Walter White’s meth-making alter ego. Game of Thrones fans can join the party with Iron Throne brew, a blonde ale which just hit the market in March.

We’re supposed to NOT work on vacation. Why most of us do...

If you’re like most Americans, you’ll probably spend some of your vacation time on work...

A recent survey by Harris Interactive found that 54% of U.S. adults say their bosses expect them to work during their vacation. Regardless of what the boss expects, 75% of us actually do it, primarily by checking email. 67% of those questioned said their families get upset when they do it, but say that checking their work email makes life easier when they return to the grind.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

If you’re hoping to strike it rich as a songwriter, have a backup plan...

There’s no shortage of wannabe artists and songwriters in the music industry...

So how much do they stand to make off a hit song? David Lowery, singer, songwriter and guitar player for bands like Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven is shedding some light on those royalty checks - and they’re less than you might think. In the last quarter, the Cracker song “Low” was streamed on Pandora about 1.16 million times. The band get’s to split the royalty check, a whopping total of $42.25. Lowery’s take: $16.89.

Now if your song makes it to the big time, on traditional radio, you’ll reap sweeter rewards. “Low” got only 18,000 plays during that time but earned Lowery a more generous $1,373 check.

If you use lemon juice to stop your fruit from browning, there’s a better solution...

Lemon juice does an okay job at preventing cut fruit from browning - but a honey bath is better...

Apples, pears and bananas are downright unappetizing when they turn brown and you can keep them looking fresh for longer with this simple solution. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a cup of water and soak your cut fruit in there for about 30 seconds. It will keep your fleshy fruit looking fresh and bright for up 8 to 24 hours, depending on the variety. Untreated fruit will start to brown in about a minute.

Eat fish - or die. It’s as simple as that...

What’s for dinner tonight? Hopefully fish...

A recent study found that those of us who eat fish on a regular basis live an average of 2.2 years longer than those who don’t. Researchers followed 2,700 men and women age 74 and older for 16 years. They were all relatively healthy and none took fish oil supplements. Sadly, all the participants eventually died, but that was the point of the study. The good news is those who lived the longest had the highest levels of omega-3 in their blood thanks to their fishy diets, giving them the 2+ year edge over those with lower levels. 

How do you wash dirty sneakers? Let's ask the folks who make them...

It may be tempting to throw those dirty sneakers in the wash - but don’t do it...

Keds, Converse and Nike all say not to machine wash or dry your shoes and recommend spot or hand washing only. You’ll need some water, baking soda and some mild detergent. Here are the Converse step by step instructions:

* Brush any loose debris and dirt of your sneakers

* Using a cloth, wet them thoroughly with hot water, don’t submerge them

* Make a paste with warm water, baking soda and some mild detergent

* Scrub your sneaks with the paste and a toothbrush all over

* Wipe as much of the paste off as you can

* Rinse thoroughly with cold water

* Stuff newspaper into your shoes and let them dry overnight

Don’t forget to remove the insoles from your shoes first. You can either wash them separately, or go ahead and invest in a nice fresh pair.

Are you suffering from digital dementia? The data disorder...

It’s not just you...

Lots of young people are complaining of poor memory, decreased cognitive skill and other symptoms associated with old age or dementia. Experts are calling it digital dementia and say those of us who rely too heavily on technology are at risk. They say some teenagers are so plugged in that they actually forget everyday details such as their own phone number.

Although we’re all prone to digital dementia, children and young adults are at extra risk, as their brains are still developing. Experts warn that heavy users are likely to develop the left side of their brains, leaving the right side untapped or underdeveloped. Digital overload is also linked with emotional underdevelopment in young brains.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Look at the time - it’s drunk o’clock!

There’s a new wrist watch that will tell you the time - to STOP drinking...

It’s the Kisai Intoxicated watch and it’s got a built-in breathalyzer. Just blow into the little sensor and a light will indicate the level of alcohol in your blood. Green means you’re good to go. Slow down for yellow, you’re tipsy. Red light - you’re drunk.

If you’re not convinced by the breathalyzer, the watch also has a built in sobriety game that tests your reaction time. The Kisai Intoxicated watch is slated to hit the market on July 8th and will cost about $150.

Could you be using an exploding phone?

There are new warnings out concerning hot phones...

Not stolen, but overheating or exploding phones. According to Chuck Bell of the Consumers Union, it’s rare but it’s possible. The CPSC has received more than 60 reports of phones overheating to dangerous levels resulting in injury in the past few years and faulty batteries and accessories are likely to blame. Here are a few ways to reduce the odds:

* Stick with the manufacturers components. Off brands of batteries and chargers are more prone to malfunction.

* Watch out for water. If you’ll be near the beach or a pool, or even in the rain, keep your phone in a zip baggie. You can even continue using your phone through the baggie.

* Avoid extreme heat. Your phone’s components WILL experience damage when left in a vehicle or in the sun on a hot day.

If you drop your phone hard, pay attention to it afterwards. If you notice it getting hotter than usual, turn it off for a half hour and start over. If it’s still hot, it could be a hazard.

Listening to music while you drive is distracting - right? Wrong!

We deal with a lot of distractions while we drive - but listening to music isn’t one of them.

A new study found that listening to music while we drive can actually enhance our performance. They tested a group of drivers with and without music and those with the radio on actually had faster response time to sudden changes on their simulated course. 

There is a catch though. No changing stations! The musical group may have outperformed their quiet counterparts but there was no adjusting the radio or fooling with playlists allowed.

If you’re growing tomatoes this season, there’s a trick to make them sweeter...

It’s tomato time...

They’re the most popular homegrown produce. Whether you’re a master gardener or prefer plants in a pot, there’s a simple trick to make your tomatoes taste sweeter. You’ll need to lower the acidity in the dirt they’re in and a little baking soda will do just that. As your tomato plants start to mature, just sprinkle some baking soda around the base of your plants once a week and work it into the soil a bit. 

Some people spray their tomato plants with a solution of baking soda or soap and water to prevent leaf spots. That’s fine in the cooler temperatures but skip that treatment when it gets really hot outside. It can give your tomato leaves a nasty burn. 

Don’t tell your kids - but TV could be good for them...

We’ve been told for decades now that TV will make our kids lazy and fat - but at least they’ll have better grades.

That’s what researchers are suggesting in a recent report from the University of London. They found that young children exposed to more than three hours of television a day actually had broader vocabulary skills and scored about three months ahead of kids who watch little or no TV.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

If your kid likes computers - you could send them to camp for free! .

If you’re having trouble prying your kid off the computer this summer, here are a few camps they’ll find hard to resist - and they’re free!

Both Apple and Microsoft are offering free “summer camps” which are actually 3 to 5 day sorkshops for kids aged 8 to 13. 

At the Apple camp, for kids 8 to 12, they’ll get to create their own song, shoot their own footage and put it all together in an iMovie to present at the Apple Camp Film Festival.

At the Microsoft camp, kids 8 to 13 will learn movie making, digital editing, video game design and more.

To sign your computer kids up for camp, find contact your nearest Apple or Microsoft store or check their websites at:

Could YOUR vacation be a one way trip? How NOT to have a heart attack...

If you’re packing for vacation, don’t forget the defibrillator...

The death of Soproanos star James Gandolfini has shed some new light on an old health risk. Experts say heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death for those on vacation, proof that too much of a good thing could KILL you. Your vacation could be a one way trip if it involves an excess of physical activity, unusual foods, alcohol, extreme temperatures, polluted air crowds or mental stress. 

Studies have found that the majority of vacation heart attacks occur in the first two days. Forgetting to take medication is another leading factor. The good news is, those who vacation frequently tend to be good at it and are more likely to make it back home alive. 

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches anyone? How to make the perfect one...

Some of us just don’t take peanut butter and jelly sandwiches seriously enough...

The folks at SeriousEats.com put PB&J ingredients to the test and determined which elements we need to make the best sandwich:

* The Bread: They tested several and ruled out rye and pumpernickel. Of the preferred plain white bread brands, they liked Pepperidge Farm best.

* The Peanut Butter: Creamy trumped crunchy and we have two winners. Whole Foods 365 Organic had the best taste and good old Jif placed 2nd with the perfect texture.

* The Jelly: While this component is subject to a lot of debate, SeiousEats went with Smucker’s Strawberry Jam.

The peanut butter and jelly ratio can make or break your sandwich. They tested several and the general consensus was about 2 to 1, PB over J. For a less soggy sandwich, spread both pieces of bread with the peanut butter before applying the jelly.

Should you wash prewashed salad?

You would think that prewashed salad would save you from the inconvenience of having to wash it - but that’s not the case...

As a matter of fact, according to Dr. Richard Besser, author of “Tell Me the Truth, Doctor,” says the prewashed bags can actually be riskier. Those bags use multiple heads of lettuce and mixed varieties are handled more during processing than a traditional head of lettuce. 

If you do rely on those convenient bags of salad, be sure to choose one from the back in the grocery store. It’s colder back there which inhibits bacterial growth. Keep it in the coldest part of your fridge and don’t forget to wash it thoroughly before use.

What a bargain - for the store. How to avoid fake sale prices...

If you’re a sucker for a sale, you’d better do some homework if you don’t want to be ripped off. ..

Some big name stores have been under scrutiny lately for bogus sale pricing. They slap that red tag on there with the “sale” price which is usually a great deal compared to the “original” or “suggested” price. In some cases, these stores mark the item WAY high first and then lower it to qualify it as a sale item. 

Before you fall for that sale, go ahead and look up the price with an Internet search. Be sure you’ve got the exact product name and model number. It’s a good idea to see what it’s selling for elsewhere or if the manufacturer has a listed price.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Who decided we should work eight hours a day?

Regardless of how you feel about the standard eight hour workday - we have Henry Ford to thank for it...

Before that, it wasn’t unusual for companies to expect workers to put in 10 to 16 hour days, six days a week. In 1914, The Ford Motor Company not only cut the standard word day to eight hours, but also doubled their worker’s pay. While competing industries thought Ford was nuts, the result doubled profit margins within two years, setting new standards for the average working Joes. 

While eight hours is still the norm, the modern worker is actually working much less. Thanks to today’s distractions and multitasking, the average time spent on real work per week is only about 24 of the 40 hours. 

There’s a trick to thinking creatively...

Need a new or creative idea? Turn the lights down...

A new study found that dimming the lights can significantly improve creative performance. The authors of the study say dim lighting enhances our feeling of freedom from constraints and reduces inhibitions which opens our minds up to free thinking and new ideas.

The study also found that the best light for productivity is adjustable light. By having the ability to adjust the environmental lighting in the workplace, we can actually illuminate the setting for urgent or detailed work or take it down a notch for a deeper, darker thought process.

Would you like to know how tall your child will be? How to calculate that...

Your child would probably LOVE to know how tall they’ll be one day...

Dr. Mitchell E. Geffner, pediatrics professor at the Keck School of Medicine, has a formula to help figure that out:

  • For girls: FH - 5 + MH ÷ 2. Take the father’s height, subtract 5 inches, add the mother’s height, then divide by 2. 

  • For boys: MH + 5 + FH ÷ 2. Take the mother’s height, add 5 inches, add the father’s height, then divide by 2.

Of course not all brothers and sisters wind up the same height. These formulas won’t be exact and there are certainly more factors to consider. But, more often than not, this number will be within one or two inches of adult height.

Are you looking at me? Why we can FEEL when someone is staring at us...

We all have it to some degree. The ability to sense someone is staring at us...

It’s a phenomenon known as gaze perception, thanks to a sensory device in our brains that gives us the ability to feel that look. Gaze perception is linked into our peripheral vision and picks up on things we don’t realize we can see.

We human’s developed this primitive instinct way back when and it’s a two-fold defence mechanism. Gaze perception is our cue to make a split decision to either make friends or get ready to fight. It can play tricks on you too. The sensation is often heightened in unfamiliar or dark surroundings. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Need to confess your sins? There’s an app for that...

If you have something you’ve just GOT to confess, talk to the hand...

Just be sure you’re holding a smartphone with the confessional app. The My Confessor app is slated for release soon and will allow sinners to digitally confess to a priest. My Confessor will dole out your penance and will even feature a little red or green status box indicating “Father is OUT” or “Father is IN.” The app will be available for the iPhone and Android by the end of the month and development updates can be found at www.myconfessor.org

Have you ever clapped your hands for something you didn’t really like?

If you’ve ever been in a crowd, you’ve probably caught the clap...

While we associate a round of applause with a good performance, a new study says that’s not really the case. It turns out that clapping - or even NOT clapping our hands - is actually a form of social contagion. Researchers observed audiences in several different situations and analyzed the applause dynamics. They determined that we react to the sound of other people clapping more than the performance itself. All it takes is one clapper to infect those within earshot. Once a few more people catch it the clapping often spreads like wildfire through the crowd.

The study found the cessation or lack of applause is just as contagious. Most of us don’t want to be the last one clapping in the room and follow the clapping cue of the crowd. Even those with the urge to applaud for a job well done will often sit on their hands rather than make a clapping fool of themselves. 

Does your title at work reflect what you do? How to change that, in a minute...

How important is your job title at work?

That depends. In many cases, that title comes along with added responsibility, stature and possibly pay. While it might feel good to have an important title at work, or feel bad NOT to have one, those titles are most valuable in transition. Moving up where you are or outside the company often requires you be at a certain level to take the next step. If you don’t have or can’t get the title you deserve due to company policies and red tape, be sure to include those title words on your resume within the description of your duties.

It can be difficult for you or your manager to get your current title changed, but Joan Burge, founder and CEO of Office Dynamics has some advice. First, you’ll need to look into the titles and job descriptions within your organization and see where you fit or where you’d like to be. Then, make a list of your responsibilities and carefully outline the scope of your work. You’ll need to prepare a presentation for your manager or the human resources department.

Some people LOVE raw cookie dough - but is it safe?

The next time your kids beg you for a bite of that raw cookie dough - just say no...

It’s not the eggs or dairy in there that’s dangerous, it’s the raw flour. It really can make you sick. According to the CDC, 77 people in 30 states fell victim to a raw cookie dough E. coli outbreak in 2011.

Don’t let your kids, or Grandma, lick the spoon either. Batter for cake, brownies or anything containing raw eggs could contain toxic salmonella bacteria and can weaken the immune system in elderly people or young children. 

If you think it’s your delicious blood that attract mosquitoes, it’s not. What they REALLY like about you...

Some people have the gift of attracting mosquitoes - but it’s not your blood that turns them on, it’s your breath...

The heavier you breathe, the more attractive you are. Here are some other elements mosquitoes find really attractive:

* Beer: Skeeters love booze and the chemical reaction it has on your skin. If you’ve been drinking, they’ll find you.

* Parties: Mosquitoes love a big crowd of people. They prefer to hang out with the people on the perimeter rather than mingle in the middle.

* Stinky feet: They’re like nectar to a mosquito, especially where the skin is thin. They find your hands irresistible too.

* Mosquito traps: They are VERY effective at attracting the pests. Unfortunately, they’ll attract a lot more than they kill.

What do you say to a friend who is sick? What NOT to say...

It can be difficult finding the right words to comfort a friend or relative who is sick with a life-threatening illness.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin, author of “How to Be a Friend to a Friend Who’s Sick,” has some dos and don’ts. Try not to say:

* Don’t talk about people you know who had something similar and are now fine.

* Don’t tell your friend she looks great when it is obvious that she looks anything but.

* Don’t say “I know what you’re going through” unless you actually do.

* Do draw up a list of possible chores you could perform — picking up children at school, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn. Look and listen to cues from the sick person, or his caregivers, as to when it is appropriate to show up, and when it is a good time to leave.

* Do realize that in the end you are powerless in the face of your friend’s illness, particularly if it is terminal. If you think a terminally ill friend wants to say goodbye, gently open the door to a last conversation and leave it up to the patient to either close it or walk through.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Would you like to take your dog to work? Which companies encourage that, coming up...

Wouldn’t it be great to take your dog to work?

Some businesses actually encourage that. If that sounds tempting, start primping your pooch, dust off your resume and send it to one of these companies:

* P&G Pet Care

* Zynga

* Amazon

* Ben & Jerry’s

* Clif Bar & Company

* Klutz

* Humane Society Headquarters

* Google

* Build-A-Bear Workshop

* U.S. Congress

If you’re not willing to give up your current job for your dog, there’s still hope. This Friday, June 21st, is Take Your Dog to Work Day. You might want to check with the top dog first.

One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch - at work. Problem employees...

Problem employees - most of us know one, work with one - or might even be one...

One bad employee can take a real toll on the team and here are some tell-tale signs that suggest that guy or gal has got to go: 

* One foot out the door: Employees who continually complain about deserving a raise or frequently mention other job opportunities are not invested in the company and might need a push ALL the way out the door.

* Miserable meetings: If one member on the team feels compelled to constantly point out negatives or sidetrack every meeting, they can be poisonous to productivity.

* That’s not my job: In today’s business landscape, that’s often a downsizing reality. However, employees who can’t deal with that and pitch in like their coworkers will just make matters worse.

* I give up: Good problem solvers make for good employees. Those who are easily defeated by an obstacle or are lacking drive should probably just stay home.

Some doctors are ditching health insurance. How you can sign up for that plan...

You’re not the only one who hates dealing with health insurance...

More and more doctors are going rogue and kicking their insurance systems to the curb to cut costs and pass those savings onto you. Direct care practices, also known as concierge or boutique medicine, are popping up across the nation and offering patients an alternative to the red tape of health insurance for routine stuff.

Typically, these family physicians charge a monthly membership, much like a gym, for about the same price. In some cases that membership fee will include the basics like checkups, office or home visits and other procedures done in the office like EKGs and biopsies. No extra charge, no co-pays and no health insurance paperwork hassles. Some of these private physicians also have access to pharmacy medications and lab work at wholesale cost as an added incentive.

Direct care may be a good option for you if you’re in relatively good health, but it’s not a substitute for health insurance. It won’t cover out-of-office visits to specialists, emergency room care, hospitalization or major surgery. To learn more or to find a direct care or concierge family physician near you, go to the American Academy of Private Physicians online at www.aapp.org

Could mouthwash actually make your breath worse?

That minty-fresh mouthwash could be making your breath even worse!

According to Dr. Phil Stemmer, of the Fresh Breath Centre in London, we shouldn’t be using mouthwash right after we brush. He says there can be a chemical reaction between the mouthwash and the toothpaste that actually cancel out the benefits of each other. If you like to rinse with mouthwash, you should wait at least a half hour. 

There’s another trick to making mouthwash effective that most of us miss. Check the label. It probably says to swish it around for a full minute. That’s a pretty long time and the average swisher doesn’t even come close. It takes a full minute for the active ingredients in mouthwash to start to work.

Want to improve your memory? Play golf!

Golfers have above par memory...

A new study found that they remember significantly more detail than the rest of us. That’s because each shot is unique and a good golfer will need to take many factors into consideration before they swing, including distance, wind speed, slope and approach. Golfers also take their time considering each shot and do not need to make instant decisions. All of these elements help the golfer’s brain absorb and retain information so they can apply it to their next shot or game. In turn, many golfers gain the ability to apply that mental skill to life off the course.

Monday, June 17, 2013

There’s a new social network on the scene - sort of. Antisocial networking...

If you hate running into people you know, there’s a new social network just for you...

Actually, it’s an anti-social network. It’s called "Hell is Other People" and it’s a web application custom-made for introverts and anti-social types. Of course you’ll have to sign up - but once you do it will calculate where people you know have checked in and direct you to socially safe zones. Want a cup of coffee but not the impromptu chat? Just check your H.O.P. and let it guide you to a coffee shop without those annoying friendly types. It will even warn you if you’re getting too close to someone who might say hello.

Hell is Other People was developed by Scott Garner who struggles with social anxiety. He says it started as more of a parody but was surprisingly effective. The only downside to this anti-social app is that it’s radar relies on other people checking in on Foursquare - but it’s an antisocial start. 

Some people are getting stung by bees - on purpose! Bee venom therapy...

Can you imagine being stung by bees from head to toe? Some patients are signing up for just that...

It’s an alternative procedure known as BVT, or bee venom therapy. Needless to say, it’s a bit controversial but advocates claim it can help treat a number of painful medical conditions. According to Alan Lorenzo, a traveling bee venom therapist, BVT can offer relief to those suffering from MS, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendinitis, lupus, Lyme disease and more. 

If you’re wondering if bee sting therapy hurts - yes it does. Typically, BVT sessions involve holding a honey bee with tweezers to a specific part of the body until it stings you. The stingers are left in for up to 15 minutes, then removed. Between 20 to 40 stings are done each session, usually around three times a week. 

If that meal you are ordering is described as glazed or crispy, you might want to reconsider. ..

According to Darya Pino Rose, author of “Foodlist,” menuspeak is tricky and you need to learn the language to avoid ordering healthy sounding foods that are packed with extra calories. Here is her list of menu words to avoid:

* Glazed, crispy, melted, smothered, breaded, creamy, honey-dipped, crusted, gooey, cheesy

Try ordering some of these words instead:

* Roasted, baked, broiled, rubbed, seared, grilled, steamed, sautéed, spiced, seasoned

Darya says if you stick to the second list, you’ll not only save yourself a ton of calories - you’ll also be avoiding inferior food that is smothered in junk to make up for lack of quality or taste.

Worried about bullies at school? Don’t overlook the bully at home...

Good parents go to great lengths to protect their children from bullies out in the world - but watch out for the bullies at home...

New research warns that sibling aggression is more common that we might think and often overlooked as normal sibling behavior. The study found that 32% of children and adolescents had experienced bullying behavior from a brother or sister in the past year alone. 

The aggressive behavior was defined as physical assault, property victimization, such as forcibly taking something a child was wearing, or destroying something belonging to the child, or psychological aggression such as name-calling or telling the child he or she wasn't wanted around.

Sibling aggression can do some serious damage and lead to anger, anxiety and depression in the targeted brothers or sisters. Parents and other adults often underestimate or downplay sibling aggression - or just don’t know how to address it. Corinna Jenkins Tucker, author of the study, says there is a big push now to stop bullying and peer aggression, and these programs should include a focus on siblings to raise awareness of potentially dangerous situations. 

If you’re taking your pet to the veterinarian - don’t do this...

A trip to the vet should be all about your pet. So why do people bring their kids?

Veterinarian Patty Kuhly has some tips on how humans should behave:

* Silence the phone. It’s rude to take or make a call during your best friend’s exam.

* Get a sitter. Most vets LOVE kids - at home. They see your little darlings as a liability. It’s hard enough to keep the pets safe without having to worry about very young or badly behaved children.

* Lock your leash. Retractable leashes need to be locked on the shortest setting. Anything longer than that is a hazard to other pets and humans in your path. No leash is NOT an option.

* Put your cat in a carrier - please! Holding your cat or a harness and leash are really BAD ideas, unless you’re trying to tempt that cat-hating canine.

* Pay the bill. Pet owners often forget their checkbooks or agree to hospitalization and procedures — and later refuse to pay. Not cool.