Thursday, June 6, 2013

Movie Trailers

Raise your hand if you think movie trailers are too long. 
Good news if you hate sitting through lengthy movie trailers. According to the Hollywood Reporter, The National Association of Theater Owners thinks movie trailers are too long and often give away too much of the plot. They are now pushing for new rules that would limit the length of a trailer to two minutes, that’s 30 seconds less than current guidelines.

As of now, movie theaters can play up to eight trailers, about 20 minutes. Add the in-house advertising, warnings and announcements and that trip to the movies just got longer. Some releases are even granted special permission to break the two and a half minute barrier. The Man of Steel trailer runs a full three minutes.

Antihistamine in the Raw

There’s an effective form of antihistamine worth trying - food! 
Need an antihistamine? Eat some parsley. Drug companies didn’t invent the sniffle-saving compound, nature did and there are a lot of foods that can have a natural antihistamine effect. According to Dr. Peter D’Adamo, author of “Eat Right 4 Your Type,” Nature has provided us with some natural antihistamines that are so effective they could eliminate your need for the over-the-counter stuff. Eating antihistamines in the raw will also save you the side groggy or jittery side-effects:

* Purple and red produce such as blackberries, blueberries, eggplant and black beans have anti-inflammatory properties. Cayenne and chili pepper can stave off stuffiness too.

* A yellowish flavonoid food pigment, quercetin helps prevent the release of histamine. Good sources include apples, broccoli, capers, citrus fruits, olive oil, onions, parsley, raspberries, red wine and sage.

* Go green to beat allergies. Collard greens, kale and spinach can help to open things up, as can a daily cup of green tea.

Natural antihistamines take longer to work than a pill. You’ll need to eat them on a regular basis to keep the flavonoid levels up. It’s best to have two servings a day and stick to it year round.

Color Check

The next time you’re shopping for food - don’t fall for the “green” trick. 
The color of a food label can suck you in - big time. Food manufacturers know that we’re suckers for color and they use it to manipulate us in every aisle. Green labels are a favorite trick. We tend to associate it with the natural, healthy outdoors. In a recent study, the green trick works like a charm. Health conscious people even rated candy bars in green wrappers as the healthier choice.

If you see red - stop. It’s intended to get your attention, especially on items trying to romance you into buying them. If that product is all white, it MUST be pure, with less additives and fewer calories. And beware the black labels. Those are reserved for high-end items and almost always cost more. 

Lying on the Job

Admit it - you’ve lied at work. 
We all tell little white lies - especially at work. Kathi Elster, president of K Squared Enterprises has a list of the most common lies people tell in the workplace:

* No problem! Taking credit for other people’s work is a low blow lie.

* Cold Calls: Employees in sales regularly lie about the number of potential customers that they reach out to.

* Bad idea: When the boss has one, most employees bite their tongue.

* Personal problems and stories: Many coworkers may act sympathetic, but they’d really rather not hear about your baggage or your personal life.

Man vs. Woman

Men and women are NOT created equal. 
While science has determined that men and women are tied in intelligence and multitasking, we do have definite differences and strengths. Here are some of the gender pros and cons:

* Need directions? Ask a man. Men have better spacial awareness making them better navigators and observers of their environment.

* Lost your keys? Ask a woman. Women have stronger recall and are better at remembering where things are.

* Got a problem? Tell a woman. They’re better at worrying and tend to be more sympathetic.

* Sleep deprived? Let’s hope you’re a guy. They handle lack of sleep much better than women.

* Cheating on your partner? If you’re a woman, you’re in trouble. While women tend to be more suspicious of infidelity, men are better at detecting the real deal.

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