Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Does your title at work reflect what you do? How to change that, in a minute...

How important is your job title at work?

That depends. In many cases, that title comes along with added responsibility, stature and possibly pay. While it might feel good to have an important title at work, or feel bad NOT to have one, those titles are most valuable in transition. Moving up where you are or outside the company often requires you be at a certain level to take the next step. If you don’t have or can’t get the title you deserve due to company policies and red tape, be sure to include those title words on your resume within the description of your duties.

It can be difficult for you or your manager to get your current title changed, but Joan Burge, founder and CEO of Office Dynamics has some advice. First, you’ll need to look into the titles and job descriptions within your organization and see where you fit or where you’d like to be. Then, make a list of your responsibilities and carefully outline the scope of your work. You’ll need to prepare a presentation for your manager or the human resources department.

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