Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Would you like to have more followers on Twitter? How to win them over...

What do you tweet about?

Hopefully not just yourself - if you’d like to have a lot of satisfied followers. Researchers at Georgia Tech analyzed tweets and have some tips on how to make the most of them and get more followers:

1. Don't just talk about yourself. Try tweeting links to interesting pages or articles. Throw in a useful tip or engaging photo once in awhile.

2. Be generous. Go ahead and give others some retweets and shoutouts. You’ll get them some followers and they might just return the favor. 

3. Tweet happy. Negative comments or topics such as death or health problems leave your followers dropping like flies. 

4. Tweet often, but not in bursts. The optimum frequency is eight tweets per hour. Any more than that will be perceived as spam and will lose you followers.

5. Use hashtags, but sparingly. One per tweet - please! Hashtags become annoying and make your tweet harder to read.

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