Monday, February 25, 2013

It's a grim thought - but what happens to your Facebook if you die?

If something terrible were to happen to you tomorrow, would your Facebook be in order?

It's not much fun to think about but there's a good chance your Facebook and your last post will live on and on, long after the fond memories and RIPs taper off. 

As of now, there is no single law that covers your online life after death. Most privacy policies prevent other's from accessing your accounts post mortem, for better or worse. Family members can take the matter to court but that can be expensive with no guarantees.

If the deceased has not left explicit instructions on what to do, or left a trusted individual with account access, there are a few options for surviving family members. Facebook offers their deepest sympathy and allows a request to have your loved one's page memorialized. You'll need to provide some proof of birth and death and who you are. A memorialized account cannot accept new friends and posting is limited but the deceased will still be able to receive private messages. 

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