Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Garlic isn’t the only food that can make you stink...

Even if you showered this morning, you might still smell like last night’s dinner...
When our bodies go to work trying to break down certain foods we eat, that process can result in body odors that you can’t wash off. Here are some of the most common cultprilts:
* Strong smelling foods and spices: Onions and garlic are particularly stubborn and can continue to seep out through our sweat glands. The same goes for curry and other strong spices.

* Meat: Large portions of meat can take a long time to travel through the digestive track, decaying along the way, resulting in bad breath and body odor.

* Amino acids: Some people have a harder time breaking these down and wind up stinky. Foods high in amino acids include eggs, liver, seafood, peas, beans, and cabbage.

* Alcohol: Your body treats this as a poison and works extra hard to get rid of it anyway it can. Every pore is an escape hatch and you can’t cover up boozy BO.

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