Monday, February 6, 2012

If you’re in between jobs, you should be the one conducting some interviews...

Before you apply for that job, or switch careers, try interviewing a few people first...

According to Richard Nelson Bolles, author of “What Color is Your Parachute,” you can really streamline your job search by conducting what he calls “informational interviews.” It’s not only a great way to start networking in some new areas – it may help eliminate some bad options or get some inside scoop.

If you've got friends, family or coworkers in a specific position, those would be some natural first candidates to interview. If not, do a little research. Gather some contacts in companies you’d like to work for or from LinkedIn. Nelson says most people are very willing to answer a few questions. Send them a request by email or give them a call. Explain you’ll only need a few minutes of their time. Come up with a few questions such as best and worst aspects of the job – and what a typical work week might involve. Ask them if they can recommend another industry candidate to interview and don’t forget to follow up the next day with a formal thank-you.

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