Sunday, February 19, 2012

If you’d like to maintain a healthy relationship, or improve a shaky one, here's some advice...

When is the last time you thanked your partner? 

It may sound cliché – but those two little words are really important, regardless of how strong your bond is. According to Judy Kurianski, author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to a Healthy Relationship,” we should be saying “thank you” to each other, a lot. Most couples take those words for granted and assume it’s understood, or is conveyed with a certain look – but saying them out loud has a much bigger impact.

Judy also suggests being specific. Instead of saying “you’re a great guy” or a simple “thank you,” consider adding some details. “Thank you for working around my schedule with that” or “you were really patient with that salesperson.” Those give a lot more weight and sincerity to your compliment and gratitude. Praising your partner in public speaks volumes too. It’s great for the ego and encourages others to treat him or her with respect.

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