Monday, June 25, 2012

Ouch! Brain Freeze! Why that happens...

That excruciating brain freeze can take all the fun out of that frozen treat...  

In order to prevent brain freeze – you need to understand exactly what’s happening. When that cold matter touches the roof of your mouth, the blood vessels there quickly contract. It’s when they start to relax that you’ll experience a surge of blood flow to the brain, causing an intense headache sensation. 

To prevent brain freeze – slow down and let that cold sip or bite warm on your tongue for a moment before letting it touch the roof of your mouth. If it’s too late for that, curl your tongue and press the bottom of it against that upper soft palate. The bottom of your tongue will be a bit warmer than the top side. A sip of room temperature water will also shorten the length of brain freeze, which usually lasts about 30-60 seconds.

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