Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Some of our favorite things are on the list of worst foods to eat.

Bacon and soda might not surprise you...

...but bagels, popcorn and even fish even made it onto this list of worst foods to eat:

* Bacon: Just three slices contains 435 milligrams of sodium -- about one-fifth of the average adult's daily allowance.

* Soda: It’s like drinking liquid candy. Most sodas contain high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, preservatives and other sketchy ingredients

* Sugar Substitutes: There’s nothing natural about these sugar-free sweeteners which are habit forming and can significantly increase risk of weight gain, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.

* Condiments: There's a reason these foods can skip the refrigeration, they’ve been engineered not to deteriorate -- and are packed with preservatives and additives such as food coloring, sweeteners, salt and trans fats. 

* Some fish: Swordfish is one mercury-dense variety. So are king mackerel, marlin and albacore tuna.

* Butter-flavored microwave popcorn: It doesn't get its flavor from butter, it gets it from chemicals and flavoring agents. Another concern with microwave popcorn is what's in the bag. More chemicals are used in that to make it fireproof and leakproof. 

* Bagels: The average bagel is going to cost you about 350 calories, and that's before you add any toppings. Most of them are made with refined white flour, which has been linked to weight gain, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. 100% whole grain bagels are much better for us.

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