Monday, January 27, 2014

If you’ve got bad breath, there could be a fix in your spice rack.

Some people are prone to bad breath, regardless of how much they brush or chew gum. 

there are some natural remedies for bad breath that can be even more effective than minty fixes that just cover it up for a while. 

* Suck on a piece of cinnamon bark. You can find it in the super market in the spice section. It has antibacterial properties that get to the root of the bad breath problem.

* Carefully chew on a whole clove. This is an ancient breath freshener that really works. If that’s just too strong, try steeping about three of them in a cup of hot tea. 

* Chew some herbal leaves. mint, basil, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme all have breath freshening power. 

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