Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Your grocery store is full of tricks. Which ones we fall for...

Walk into any supermarket and you’ll probably smell fresh bread or rotisserie chicken. 

That’s a dirty trick. They know those aromas get our salivary glands working and we spend more when we’re salivating. Here are some other classic supermarket marketing schemes:

* That 12-pack of soda is a better deal than the 6-pack. When we buy more for the week, we drink more for the week. We’re better off paying a little more for a little less.

* The produce department is at the front of the store because those bright colors put you in a good mood and inspire you to buy more. If you’re trying to save, start shopping in the middle aisle stocked with bland boxes and cans. 

* Those nifty misters in the produce department aren’t there to keep the fruits and veggies fresh. That water can actually cut the shelf life. What it does do is make the produce look fresh and shiny and add a little weight. Shake them off so you’re not paying extra for water. 

* Supermarket music is often a bit slower than average which slows you down and makes you spend more time and money. Wear headphones with upbeat music and you’ll probably spend less. 

* The 10 for 10 sale is the most effective one in the store. More people fall for that than any other special. Some of us can’t resist 10 cans of tuna for $10 and miss the 89 cent cans right next to them.

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