Saturday, April 7, 2012

Your hair and nails could reflect some health issues

Thinning hair is normal...

Significant hair loss could be a problem. Clifton K. Meador, author of “Puzzling Symptoms,” has some bodily changes we need to pay attention to:

• Spooned nails: If the edges of your nails curve upward, leaving an indentation in the middle, go to the doctor. It can be cause by a deficiency of iron which usually indicates blood loss somewhere in the body. Soft, brittle nails are another common sign of anemia. A blood test can detect a problem.

• Unexplained itching: If it lasts more than two weeks, it could indicate liver disease, especially if it’s on the palms or soles of the feet. Itching can also be a side effect of some medications and should be mentioned to your doctor.

• Bumps on the eyelid can indicate high cholesterol, and you should request a blood test for that.

• Thinning hair, if it’s drastic over the course of a few months to a year, it could be a result of low thyroid levels. Women with unexplained hair loss should also have their testosterone levels measured.

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