Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lady Gaga and Madonna may love hot yoga – but what do they know?

Hot yoga is just one of several popular heated exercise trends and experts are warning us not to get too hot. 

Hot yoga, for example, is yoga done in a room with a temperature of at least 105 degrees. The theory is that all that heat and sweating will rid your body of toxins – and that you can achieve deeper poses in the heat. However, hot exercisers could be putting themselves at serious risk. Heat stroke is the primary concern. It’s a potentially fatal condition in which the heart, liver or kidneys could shut down. 

Another risk of heated fads like hot yoga, Pilates, cycling and barre burn classes is joint and muscle damage. While people can stretch deeper in the heat, that can backfire and lead to joint problems, inflammation and arthritis. Keep in mind that hot, humid gyms and exercise rooms are also a breeding ground for germs – especially if it’s dirty or wet with sweat.

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